boy oh boy

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Classes started tomorrow and I was already stressing. Stressing about the stress that I'm about to get when all the work come in. It was scary to think about. Although, I would say I'm an average student, my high school marks were pretty high but this is University we're talking about here. Things were different.

I sat on the kitchen stool, facing the TV while flipping through some Netflix shows to watch while the boys prep for their ball practice. I'm glad all three of them played ball. It meant I got the house to myself, I could do whatever I could, hell I could even walk around naked which I'll never actually do. Maybe. No. I'll think about it. Yeah, no.

Cameron and Alec walked down the stairs, both shirtless just wearing sweatpants. My brothers friends were deadly hot but they were off-limits and I knew that.

My brother hated it when his friends tried hitting on me. It all goes way back in high school when one of his old friends tried getting in my pants, my brother was furious and I haven't heard a word from that guy since then. He's always been overprotective ever since dad passed away. He stood like a dad after that, my dad taught him to be that way.

"What you up to lil Lucas" a voice whispered right by my right ear, making me shiver slightly.

I hated it when they called me lil Lucas. I mean, we look slightly similar but it's gross. It's gross getting called lil Lucas, it made me feel like a little boy.

I shook my head, turning my head around and continued to munch on Cheetos. Thank god for whoever designed spinny kitchen stools. You can just turn around and you wouldn't have to talk to that person. Very smart.

"Why do you hate me so much, jeez." Cameron teased as he grabbed the bag of Cheetos, taking a handful and shoving them all in his mouth. Disgusting.

Before I could snatch it back, he lifted it 6 foot up in the air so I couldn't reach. Ass

My brother was a six-footer and I barely reached 5 feet. I got my moms genes and he got dads, I was the cute and short one and he was the manly and tall one. I didn't care, I loved being short.

"Cameron!" I whined.

I made a few hops, attempting to reach the bag but there was no hope. They loved to tease me, they found it amusing and I found it, depressing. I hated it. This is the crap I have to deal with everyday, and mom thinks I'm gonna do this for the next 3 years till these dumbasses graduate? No thanks.

Soon enough, I was starting to get pissed. Lucas and Alex laughing in the back wasn't helping. I couldn't even believe my brother would tolerate these type of behaviour, especially to me. I was sick of it. I stuck the middle finger at all of them before grabbing my phone and car keys,pulling out of there and leaving. Dicks.

My phone started to flood with texts and calls and I ignored it, turning it off completely so I didn't have any distractions while driving. As usual, I drove to McDonalds and got some snacks since at home I couldn't eat peacefully without getting bullied by those egotistical assfaces. My ears were hot, I was pissed.

Ordering the usual breakfast sandwich, I sat on the booth scrolling through my phone when I suddenly remembered Matt. I smiled. My very first college friend.

Should I give him a call? See what he's up to? Maybe he wants to chill or something.

I turned my phone on only to see all the texts and calls from the boys.

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