Shrek X Armin

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As Armin walked down the cobbled road behind the wall, he noticed something strange. A strange, hooded man was following him. Since you already read the title, I'm pretty sure you know it's Shrek. But Armin doesn't know that. "Hey... Who are you?" He said in a quivering voice, because he's a pussy. Shrek didn't reply, but he opened his mouth, and the smell of onions wafted toward Armin. "Wait... I know that smell..." Said Armin, remembering his childhood, where everyday, he saw a strange, hooded man watching him everyday. "I... I know who you are..." He said, realization dawning upon him. Even if he just realized it, it seemed as if he already knew. "Shrek...?" Said Armin, gasping. "J- J-" Said the hooded man. He then fell to the ground, coughing up black blood. "OMG SHREK, U K FAM? 😥😥😥😹😹😹😂😂😂👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿👈🏿👈🏿👈🏿💦💦💦" Said Armin. But when Armin got to the hooded figure kneeling on the ground, he knew something wasn't rite. The posture, the gait, the type of onions he smelled... "Wait... No... It can't be!" He shouted. Suddenly looking up, Armin looked into the eyes of his past lover as it said one sentence; "Jinx Jinx Jinx Jinx." Said Jinx the Pokemon in a deep voice. Armin passed out.

SHREK X ARMIN (GONE WRONG) [GONE SEXUAL] {ALMOST KILLED}Where stories live. Discover now