Bleach X Armin

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As Armin fell lovingly into the embrace of his... lover... he felt an emotion he hadn't felt in years. Love. As he mewled softly into the rough, course plastic of his best mate, he felt the familiar throb come back.

"D-Daddy... please... let me drink and swallow you up..." Armin said, lust evident in his voice.

"Very well then. A sip, tantalizing. A taste of bittersweet so beautiful that it would push the brink of insanity just a little farther back." Said Bleach. They had met after Armin x Jinx didn't get a lot of ratings so I decided to be edgy.

Bleach uncapped himself, ever so slowly, and Armin licked the hole. "Now. You shall not tantalize me as such, as you are getting the reward, not I." Says Bleach in a deep, husky voice. "O-okay sir..." Said Armin.

Gripping him, Armin put the tip in and swallowed.

The succulent flavors combating the taste if death was such an orgasmic taste that Armin blew his load right there. Into Jynx's face.

"What are you doing here!" Said Armin.

SHREK X ARMIN (GONE WRONG) [GONE SEXUAL] {ALMOST KILLED}Where stories live. Discover now