Bringing Back Memories

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Rory’s POV

              Matt and I were finally back in LA after staying with our Me Maw in Kentwood. Our dad was on his tour last year, and was now staying with his girlfriend Jessica on the set of her movie. Even to Matt’s objection we we’re going to be living with our mom. She had regained custody of Matt and I, but not our little brothers.

             After we grabbed our bags from baggage claim, Matt walked ahead of me. “Matt!” I yelled. He didn’t reply. I saw that he had his headphones in. “Me Maw can you hold my suitcase for me real quick?” I asked. Me Maw had came with us. She grabbed my bag. I broke out in a run and tackled my brother. “WHAT THE HELL RORY!?!?!” he yelled at me. “What are you listening to?” I asked him. “Seriously! You tackled me just to see what I was listening to?” he asked me. I grabbed his Iphone and saw he was listening to Destiny Child’s song ‘T-shirt’

         “Really? This song?” I asked him. “It’s a classic. Now will you get off of me? Paparazzi is right out there.” He told me. I got off him. Once he got up he put his arm around my neck. “Come on you two.” Me Maw yelled at us. She was already at the door.

             Matt and I started to run. We could see our car through the crowd of photographers. Once we stepped outside we got yelled questions at. “Matt are you dating Selena Gomez?” “She’s just a friend.” “Rory how come you broke up with Demi?” “Things just didn’t work.” “Lynne how’s Britney?” “She’s just fine.” Finally to the car.

              Once I got buckled in I got on my phone. I had to get on twitter. 3 hours without my phone is torture. The first thing I did was see what was trending. The first on the list was Kourtney Kardashian breaks up with Scott Disick. Bummer. Hate to be him. All of a sudden a new  trending topic popped up. Spears spawn back in LA!!!!

               Wow. I forgot how fast word gets around. No need to tweet that I’m back now. I put my phone down and fell asleep.

Matt’s POV

                  I can’t believe Rory and I have to live with our mom. I actually liked it better in Kentwood. I put my headphones back in and put my dads old boy band song on. Bye Bye Bye by N’sync. Just listening to the song brought back a memory of dad taking Rory and I on stage when they sung this song.

                At only 13 and 11 Rory and I have been through more than any other kid our age. The beginning of this year and the end of last year almost killed us. My mom had her meltdown. It was November and the last time we saw our mom was in January. The night of the incident and the next day. Memories of that night came rushing back to my mind.

            “Matt is momma okay?” Rory asked me. He pulled Sean closer to him like if anything happened he would protect him. “She’s fine.” I reassured him. Our mom was pacing the floor mumbling to herself while Sam just stood in the corner and watched. Sam’s phone started to ring. “Hello…Okay I’ll tell her.” He hung his phone up. I looked up from Jayden who was in my arms and looked at my mom and Sam.

            “Britney, that was Lonnie. He said that he’s outside and here to get all the boys.” said Sam. She nodded. “Momma?” I said. She turned her attention back to me. She walked over to me and got down on her knees in front of me and placed her cold hands on my legs.

         “Yes sweetheart?” she asked me. “Jayden has a full diaper. Do you want me to change it before we go with Lonnie?” I asked. She nodded. “I’ll take Sean down to Lonnie.” said Rory. He stood up while carrying Sean. Mom got up and kissed both Rory and Sean. Once the front door shut, mom looked at Sam. “You said I had another hour with them.” My mom told Sam. “No I didn’t.” he said. I bit my tongue from saying anything. I finished putting a diaper on Jayden.

           I picked Jayden up and started to grab our things. Mom and Sam’s argument started to get louder. “We’ll I’m not letting them go back!” my mom yelled. She ran over to Jayden and I. She took him from me and grabbed my wrist. She took us to the bathroom. She handed Jayden back to me in the bathroom and I quickly ran to the corner. I instantly started to cry. Mom started to pace again. After all this time of believing that my mom wasn’t  crazy, I was starting to believe that she might actually be.

               She walked over to us. She started to stroke our hair. “It’s okay. No need to cry. Mommy’s here.” she said. There was a loud banging on the other side of the door. I knew it was a police officer.

             I zoned out for the next four hours and didn’t focus on what my mom was yelling at the police or what they yelled at her. I focused on Jayden and he focused on me. I kissed his forehead. “I love you bubba. I’m not going to let anything happen to you ever. I promise you that. And I can promise you that I’m going get us out of here. We’re going to get out of here.” I whispered to him.

        I looked at my watch it was 11:40 p.m. “Miss Spears I’m begging you for the safety of your boys, let us in!” yelled the police officer. I looked up at her. “Momma please. Do what he says. Momma I love you.” I pleaded.  She picked Jayden up and held my hand. She went and opened the door. It all happened so fast. Police officers were everywhere. They wrestled Jayden away from her. It wasn’t fair. She was a little thing and only one person against big police officers. As I watched her being strapped to a gurney, I lost it. “LET GO OF HER!! LEAVE HER ALONE!!” I yelled.

               Before I could run up to them, I felt someone grab me from behind. I knew it wasn’t my dad or Lonnie. “It’s okay. Matt, calm down buddy. Calm down bud.” Said the familiar voice. It was Kevin. I turned around and hugged him and he held me.

              “Matt, we’re here.” said Me Maw bringing me back to reality. I looked out the window to see my mom’s house and her outside hugging Rory.

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