Chapter One

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"When the sun found the moon,

She was drinking tea in a garden

Under the green umbrella trees

In the middle of the summer"

Jack's POV

"Jack," My adoptive mom, Kelly, calls from downstairs. "It's nearly two in the afternoon. Please get out of bed."

I sigh, long and slow, letting air come into my body and then pushing it out. It was refreshing. I sit up slowly and turn to get out of bed. 

I drag myself to the kitchen, feeling burdened with every step. It hurt to move. I just wanted to sleep all day.

"I made chocolate pancakes for breakfast--" She begins, but I cut her off.

"I don't like chocolate."

"I thought they were your favorite?" She gives me a quizzical look.

"Must have me confused for someone else."

"Well, it doesn't matter. They aren't edible anymore, any how. Been sitting out all day..." She huffs and puts the pile of pancakes in the trash. "What about a sandwich? I have peanut butter." She suggests. She was really trying...

"I'm not hungry." I shrug and exit the room. I can practically feel the resentment Kelly felt for me. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't please me. I don't know what's wrong with me.

I hobble into my room and crash on the bed. I couldn't go back to sleep. Kelly woke me up and I didn't want her to hate me more than she probably already did. I was a burden to her. She should just give up on me. I'm a lost cause.

Don't think like that. It's not true. My head voice urges. I shake my head at it and sit up on the side of my bed. I now had a headache. I sigh again.

I kept a bottle of aspirin on my bedside and reach for it. I pop out two pills and dry swallow them. Then I stand up to put some clothes on. I'd go for a walk. Supposedly it helped you clear your mind.

I put a baggy shirt and some jeans on. I slide on a pair of tennis shoes I find by the door. "I'm going out, Kelly." I yell into the house.

She grunts an approval.

Outside it is hot and humid. The sun is too bright and the air is a little dry. I inhale deep and exhale again. It was almost hard to breathe.

I begin to walk down the road looking for anything exciting. One of my neighbors had a big, scruffy dog. He looked kind of dangerous. Thankfully, he was on a leash tied to a tree, but he barked at me obviously wanting to tear me to pieces.

Heh, if I was that dog I'd probably tear me to pieces, too.

Farther down the road some kids are playing outside. When I was younger I guess I had friends. These kids looked they were enjoying themselves. I don't remember what fun feels like. Had I ever really experienced it?

One of the little girls waves at me. "Hey! Want to play?"

The girls' older brother--I assume-- kicks her in the shin. "Shhh! We're not supposed to talk to strangers!"

I give the girl a sad smile, then sigh and stick my hands in my pockets.

The neighboring house had an older girl sitting in the front yard by a garden. The house had a patio underneath an umbrella tree. The girl sat on a black chair, next to a black table, that had a cup of something on it. Coffee? Tea?

It was a pretty house to an even prettier girl.

She flips the page of her book and then reaches over to take a sip from her cup. Her eyes cross over me and she smiles with her eyes before sitting her cup down and resuming her reading position.

She noticed me. She smiled.

My heart beats loud enough that I can hear it pounding in my ears.

She smiled.

Why would she smile? Was it directed at someone behind me I wasn't aware of?

I turn around quickly to see. No one was there. Just me.

She smiled at me.

What did it mean? Did she feel sorry for me? Or was it welcoming? Friendly, even?

I doubt it. Maybe it was just an automatic reaction. Yeah. But still...

She smiled at me.

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