Green Eyed Stranger

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Camilla POV










I felt the arms of the referee and I dropped my arms, noticing the other girl was being manhandled back to her corner. I leaned against the ropes, my knuckles busted and throbbing from the beating they've taken the past two days. I attempted to listen to those talking so fast around me, my ears clogged with blood making the mission harder. My chest heaved as I looked in front of me, the bottle of water being sprayed on my face and neck before I had time to protest. The referee stepped towards me, his lips moving in what seemed to say 'You good to compete'. I stood quickly, balancing myself out on the men beside me before shaking my head and rolling my shoulders. He looked hesitant but moved towards the middle, motioning for the other competitor to step back into the ring.

I focused on the task at hand, ducking a hit and swinging my fist into her side. I continued until she was dazed enough to drop her guard, my fist connecting with her temple as her head snapped to the side and she fell. I backed off, pushing away the arms of the man in a striped shirt and slipping a towel around my neck stepping out of the ring. I rushed to the shabby corner with a light, pouring water in my and hoping to clean out the blood. I repeated this action to my other ear, my eyes locking with a tall green stranger. His jaw set as he seemed to look over his surroundings as I finished cleaning my ears and began looking for a drink.

I continued walking around the Courtyard, accepting the pats on the back from the other patrons before coming face to face with the girl I had the pleasure of fighting not ten minutes ago. I outstretched my hand, smiling tight lipped when she returned the kind gesture. I jerked away when the sound of a fight broke out, hearing cheers near the bar. I walked over slowly, my arms sliding into the sweatshirt before I finally saw the stranger attempting to fend himself off from two bigger guys. I stepped into the circle, hands held high before a smile broke out onto my face. "I'm just getting a drink." I grabbed a bottle, noticing the man's struggle before he was thrown to the ground and spat on.

"Cops are here!" I heard before the sound of sirens and lights began swarming the outside of the place. I jumped up, looking around to see the easiest exit route before I heard groaning beneath me. My eyes locked with the beaten man and I felt a twinge of something in my stomach. It wasn't pity, it seemed as though he got what he wanted. I guess it was curiosity, but whatever the feeling was it was enough to make me sick. I hopped down, patting his face before I heard the sound of banging on the doors and the sounds of people screaming got louder. "Get up." He nodded, slowly rising with my aid, spitting out blood in a disgusting manner. I pulled him with him, weaving through the people and making sure I had his wrist firmly in my hand. He began slowing up and I turned, seeing he was attempting to help two young girls that were frantically searching for help. I grabbed his arm with both hands and continued to pull him with me, "We don't have time, let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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