~Chapter 2~

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Sarah's P.O.V.


I quickly shot my alarm off. I looked at the time to see it was 10:15. I quickly got up an put on a blue plaid summer dress with black sandal's. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar and a bottle of water. Then I went into the foyer to grab my purse and car key's off the stand. I ran out to the car, but before I could start it, my phone rang. The ID said Grace, so I accepted it.

~Phone Convo.~

Hey Sunshine. How's it going? Are you in town yet?

Yeah. I just got in last night. So what are you doing?

The whole gang is at the mall. So we're here if you want to come.

Definitely. I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Okay girly. See ya. ~End Phone Convo.~

I quickly started the car and backed out watching for any pedestrian's. I stepped on the peddle when all was cleat. When I got a stop light, I plugged in my I-pod switching to smooth nature. I know its crazy, but it helps calm me. After 10 minutes, I finally arrived at the local mall. I hurriedly got out and locked it up. I took small steps not wanting to trip. When I did get inside, I stood where I was.

I lifted my head to see there were exactly 4 floor's of everything. From clothes, accessories, food, arcade/games, you name it, they have it. I looked from side to side. It was really wide. It was big enough to be a hotel. So I slowly wandered around for a while, until I heard my name being called.

I turned to see all my friend's sprinting towards me. In seconds I was in a group hug. Not long did the hug last, we all separated.

So guy's, what did I miss? I said

Nothing really. We've just been waiting for you to arrive. said Nick

Well let's go has some fun shopping. I've been wanting to try on new dresses since Sunday. said Alexis.

Well let's go. What are we waiting for?! I stated dramatically

We've officially spent 2 hour's shopping. We at some point got hungry, so we went our separate ways since we wanted to get different food's. I went to burger king because they have the best chicken sandwiches. When I walked in, the line was really long, so I decided to sit at one of the tables. I didn't know how long I sat there, but I was bored.

Excuse me miss????

I looked up to see a guy standing beside me wearing  beanie and sun glasses. He was also wearing a white and blue striped shirt with red pant's.

How may I help you? I asked

Is this seat taken? he asked

Oh, um no. You can sit if you want. I was just waiting  for the line t get shorter. I said pointing to the massive line.

Well then, we shall wait together. he said sitting down.

So tell me miss. What is your name? he asked

Sarah. My name is Sarah Heart. Willow is my middle name. I said smiling

Well that is a very beautiful name. he said

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