Chapter 8

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Sadie and I left her house and she drove us to Decan's house since I didn't drive. Mostly because my parents didn't trust me enough to drive a car so they refuse to take me to get my licence, or to ever let me get behind the wheel of their precious minivan.

Anyways we drove in silence there, but it wasn't uncomfortable silence. Sadie knew I wasn't mad at her and that I didn't hate her. Everything was cleared up, except for things with Decan.

Me and my foolishness. Remember when I said oh we drifted apart and all that. Well I lied. He tried to get me to go hang out with him and his friends and all that. And I don't know...I guess I panicked.

I just kept thinking about Blake and how well that turned out. But I was stupid to have ever thought Decan was somehow like Blake. And even if me and dean turned out to never date. I'd be ok with that. Like Blake said, things happen. What he didn't mention was that life goes on.

So yes I pushed Decan away. But now I planned to make it up to him. To get him back.

We arrived in front of his house. The wooden house was painted a dark blue and the colour reminded me of him. I felt nervous, pretty sure he would tell me to get lost. But when Sadie turned to me, and stared at me with her big green eyes, and asked if I thought dean would really help get revenge on Bryan; I nodded my head and smiled letting out a nervous "of course". With that I turned and got out of the car.

I was in front of his door in a couple of minutes. Sadie was right beside me following my lead.

I knocked on the door hesitantly. I took a few minutes and I began to worry no one was home. And then I heard heels clicking on wood from the other side of the door.

A woman in her forties opened the door. She wore a formal light pink button up dress and had her brown hair up in a tight bun. Her eyes were the same shade of green gold as Decan's.

"May I help you?" She asked politely.

This must be his aunt I thought to myself. "Yes I'm friend of decan's. Does he happen to be home?" I asked smiling. First impressions count for a lot.

She smiled at me, "you must be Hope! He's told me all about you! Please, come in."

We entered her house and I could just tell my face was bright red.

"I'll go tell him you are here. He's in his room on the phone with a friend. I'm sure he'll be very happy to hear you are here," she explained, as she turned to go up the wood paneled stair case.

As she disappeared upstairs Sadie turned to me, a smirk planted on her lips.

"Are you and Decan like a thing now?" She asked, which sounded more like an accusation.

"We're something..."

"What do you mean something?" She questioned, curious.

"She means she's been ignoring me for about a week now," Decan said, as he was half way down the stair case. Which he had climbed down very quietly.

"We aren't here to talk about this," I glared at them both, "Sadie and I are here to ask you to help get revenge on her ex Bryan, like we got revenge on Alex for posting those pictures," I explained.

He stared at me. I could tell he was thinking it over. Or thinking about how he should just kick me out and tell me to leave him alone.

"Ok," he agreed, a little too easily.

"Really?" I asked surprised. I was elbowed in the side by Sadie.

She leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "Don't question it! We need his help. The joke you pulled on Alex was epic!"

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