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We stood outside the boys locker room. Decan and me opposite to where the door opened.

Brent stood more in front of the entrance holding his cellphone up. Sandra beside him, holding her cellphone up as well.

Sandra had come up with this plan; and let me just say it's absolutely frigging brilliant. Maybe a little old fashion, but brilliant none the less.

The bucket I held contained egg yokes. It took us a little while collecting all of it and now, since we've been out here for a while, they were beginning to smell. You'd think the cold weather would act like a refrigerator.

Decan, on the other side of me, held a bucket filled with flower and, with my touch, glitter! Muhahaha.

And what were we waiting for? Sweet, sweet revenge!

Decan knew Alex took forever in the shower after a long football practice, which they just had, and is always the last one to leave.

So here we all were waiting for Alex to exit from the boys change room.

Oh what I forgot to mention; Decan, before leaving the change room, took Alex's clothing..... and his towel.

Yes, thats right, his towel as well!

Decan left a note to make sure Alex would come running out in furry.

And boy were we right.

The change room door flew open with a "bang!" , and out stepped a steaming Alex.

Before he noticed us all, Decan screamed "NOW!".

And away the egg yoke and flower flew, directly all over Alex's naked body.

Then the flash of cellphones on camera.

Alex let out a screech, which was very high pitch and girly for a 15 year old boy.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to see him in his birthday suit.

"Ok he's decent, now." Decan said, moving my hands away from my face. Are hard work had payed off; their stood Alex wearing nothing but his towel, covered head to toe in sparkly flour.

I laughed, with the rest of them, as Alex fumed.

"Delete it now!" Alex roared, reaching for Brent's cellphone.

Brent was a year older though and much taller; so he didn't have much trouble keeping the phone out of reach.

"How about we make a deal?" Decan asked, smirking slightly.

If Alex's face wasn't covered with egg, flour, and sparkles, he'd most likely be blushing a deep shade of red.

"What do you want?" Alex sighed in defeat, his arms slumping back to his sides.

"For you to delete every picture of decan and me, you have posted." said I.

"And we will delete this one," said Sandra, holding up her phone with the picture of Alex, she had just taken, on it.

"A picture for a picture" muttered Brent.

"Fine, deal. Now delete it!" Alex clawed at the phone held by Sandra.

Brent pushed Alex, and his flailing arms back slightly, away from Sandra.

"We'll delete it when we see all the pictures gone," Brent stated.

I couldn't help but smile at Sandra, who was gazing dreamily at Brent.

And for a moment, I wondered if she liked him. I would have to ask her later. They would make a cute couple.

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