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Decans pov---------------------------

I awoke to Hope scattered on top of me.

Her perfume still sweet smelling from last night, when I carried her to bed.

Sandra had let me and Brent stay the night. I couldn't tell if they noticed how much they liked each other.

I haven't seen Brent be this nice to a girl since....I can't remember when.

After we came to Sandra's house, Sandra had cleaned Brent up. He came out of the bathroom looking quite impressed, while Sandra looked flushed; so I don't know if only cleaning Brent up, was all that was going on in there.

I threw my hand lazily around her lower back, and yawned. I felt her slight shiver through my finger tips. I smiled, mentally.

"Morning" I greeted, groggily. I met her big Hazel eyes.

She was about to laugh, I could tell, but then she seemed to remember something and she looked slightly panicked.

Did I do something wrong?

"Morning and I have to go." She said, pulling away from me.

And then hurried out the door.

"What was that about?" Brent asked, sitting up and running a hand through his hair.

Sandra looked dazed for a minute.

"Umm.." She murmured. She blinked, breaking her trance. "She went to Sadie's. She's upset about something-wanted Hope to come over." She answered.

Brent smirked at her obviously noticing Sandra's staring. He moved towards her and kissed her on her cheek, "morning," he whispered.

"I'm gonna get going before you guys jump each others bones." I stated getting up.

"Ok good. I was afraid you were going to sit there and watch." Dean said whipping a pillow at me as I headed out the door.

I pulled out my phone, debating wether I should call Hope and see if she was alright-or would she just be busy helping Sadie? I decided just to text her later. Though that would be hard.


I forget if I knocked on sadie's door or just barged into her bedroom-I think I barged in.

She was lying on her bed, her face buried in the covers and tissues surrounding her; as if trying to comfort her.

She didn't budge as I made my way to the side of her bed, and sat down.

She was wearing what I called her "comfy clothes" which consisted of a pair of sweat pants and a baggy sweater. An outfit the, stylish Sadie, would never wear anywhere in public.

"Sadie?" I asked softly, poking her on her shoulder.

Unlike Sandra's Bedroom, Sadie's was designed in shades of purple instead of peach. On her walls were posters of a variety of popular things, ranging from bands to quotes.

"I don't blame you if you hate me," she said softly.

She turned slightly so I could see part of her face.

"Aww Sadie I don't hate you. Why would I?"

She sighed, "long story. It just seems like nothings going right Hope," She paused, taking a deep breath, "My parents I think their splitting up." She stated.

"How do you know? Did they tell you?" I asked softly, bringing my legs up and crossing them.

"No, they didn't have to. I heard them screaming. My mom said the next day, she'll be leaving. And for my dad not to expect her to be back." She explained.

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