Chapter 19

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I was staring myself in the mirror, gawking at the reflection that stared back. Tonight was going to be an utter disaster. I could read the headlines now: "Daughter of Molavi Industry Mogul, Javad Molavi, found dead in the Malik Estate; Age 21; Death by Heart Embolism." Yes, I was going to have a cardiac misadventure of some sort and, yes, I was most likely not going to make it out alive tonight.

            I tucked my light blue buttoned blouse into my dark grey pencil skirt, rubbing my hands against the material and smooth out any creases. With my hair falling straight behind my back and a neat black headband in place, I looked like an office secretary. Good enough.

            I made my way out of the bedroom, fully aware that Zayn was already downstairs. He was probably cooking up more devious plans. I didn't know what he was thinking, inviting Rebecca, Levi, and Liam. I don't think he realized how awkward this would be for him as well. Nonetheless, I tried to think happy thoughts; this way, I could feign the allusion of comfort during the dinner. When I was on the main level of the estate, I heard much hustle from the kitchen. Maids and butlers were racing in and out of the area, carrying tray after tray of food and trying not to trip over one another. I dodged out of the way as a maid came rushing past me, holding in his arms a large basket of garlic dinner rolls. Zayn was in the kitchen, buttoning the cuffs of his stripped dress shirt and giving orders to a butler.

            "Bring them to the dining hall when they arrive," I heard him say, finishing his buttoning. He crossed his arms over his chest and I couldn't help but notice his biceps stretch the tight fabric of the shirt as he did so.

            "Yes, sir."

            "And be curt," Zayn added, giving the man a swift wave of the hand. "I don't want them to wait on anyone."

            The butler nodded his head and hurried by, to the front door. Zayn's eyes met mine as I turned back from the butler. He quickly looked me up and down before shuffling in my direction.

            "You look like an office worker," He muttered.

            There it was. "Excuse me for trying to dress a bit conservatively-"

            "I didn't say that it was bad." I heard his voice mumble as he moved past me and into the dining room.

I looked after him in genuine surprise, my eyebrows raised. Oh.

"Get in here!" I heard him yell from the dining room.

I rolled my eyes as I sauntered into the area of question, not in any need to rush. He was standing by the head of the long mahogany table, watching a maid as she filled the last wine glass with iced water.

"What is it?"

"Take a seat, Rebecca will be here any moment."

I frowned. "You seem very worked up."

"Do I?" He looked up at me. His thick black eyebrows furrowed in a crease of frustration.

"Yes, you do." I nodded, truthfully. "Do you honestly think that it was a good idea to invite them? I know how you feel about Rebecca and it'll be terrible when you see her with Levi."

"That's my business," He said, curtly. The words were harsh but his voice was gentle. "You don't have to worry about me."

I had no choice but to take a seat, pulling out the chair directly to the right of the one Zayn stood behind. After watching me sit down, he steadily did the same, folding his hands over the table. We watched, in silence, as the maids begin bringing in the food and piling it across the table. There were dinner rolls, fresh seafood samplings, crackers with assorted cheeses, and gourmet hors devours of other varieties. It was nearly a quarter to seven o'clock in the evening when the first guests arrived.

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