Bonus chapter and a stupid apology from an equally stupid me

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            Over the course of the next few days, my worries were not put to rest. My jealousy had taken the best of me, causing frequent visits to the main office to “check in” on the status of Goldberg Industries. In actuality, I was making sure Annette’s paws were well off of Zayn’s body. But the more I visited, the more skeptical I grew. Annette hadn’t taken too keen note of the memo; when she thought I wasn’t watching, she’d graze her hands over Zayn’s trousers, initiating involuntary spasms of his part. He looked guilty enough, but I wasn’t worried about him becoming unfaithful; I merely wanted to bash Annette’s skull into a roughly texture tree trunk.

            I waited until the tenth night following the initial confrontation with Annette to bring up the matter with Zayn; at that point it had grown too out of hand. Something had to be done.

            We were both in the bedroom; he had just taken a shower and was running a tower through his wet hair. I was perched on a stool before the dresser, slowly brushing through my hair while my eyes focused on him through the reflection in the mirror. He glanced up at me and raised his eyebrows.

            “What is it?” He mumbled, ruffling at his black hair with the ivory towel.

            I cleared my throat, feeling it raw and sore. He was going to get mad, I knew it. “I was just wondering, out of curiosity, if Annette’s… lack of… distance… makes you feel… apprehensive…” I definitely hadn’t worded that properly.

            And he was as confused as I was. He furrowed his brow, throwing the towel into the laundry basket and walking up behind me. He was wearing a rather tight white v-neck shirt and light blue, plaid flannel bottoms. His damp hair laid a messy array over his head and he smelled freshly of shampoo and soap.

            “I mean,” I started again, placing the hairbrush onto the dresser and frowning at my reflection. But, again, I was stuck.

            “Farah, just spit it out.” Zayn folded his arms over his chest.

            “Yeah, maybe…” I muttered under my breath, sucking in a deep breath. Here goes. “I think Annette is crossing boundaries and acting too friendly around/on you.”

            I waited, my eyes squeezed close, for Zayn’s verdict. He was either going to laugh in my face or yell at me for being a blundering idiot, both of which were equally bleak verdicts.

            “I don’t think Annette’s being too abrasive,” He spoke.

            I opened my eyes and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He was pursing his lips, a baffled expression on his face; he genuinely did not find her behavior erratic at all. How absolutely stupid could a human being be?

            “Are you kidding me?” I said, rising to my feet and spinning around to face him. “She’s all over you. And I don’t mean to sound like the overly jealous wife, but she doesn’t draw a fine distinction between professionalism and inappropriateness. Matter of fact, she doesn’t even know that line exists. If she does, she tramples all over it like a piece of garbage.”

            Zayn was obviously finding my explanation amusing. “Even if she does act like that around me, I’m not going to succumb to temptation or whatever the hell you think is going to happen.”

            I frowned. “That’s what you think now, but she’s eventually going to strut into work one day wearing nothing but her underwear and, being a man, you won’t be able to turn down those breasts.”

            He actually laughed. “Relax, Farah, that’s not going to happen. Trust me, would you?” He brushed a strand of hair out of my face and leaned over, pressing his lips against my own.

            The scent of his aftershave was consuming, enveloping over me like a cocoon. It seemed to wash away all of my concerns to the point that I didn’t even remember why I was so heated.

            “Annette’s just the intern,”

            Oh right, that’s why I was mad. I pushed back from him, folded my arms across my chest stubbornly, and plastered a more animated frown onto my face. “She has other objectives on her mind, Zayn, and if you don’t keep your guard up she’ll eat you alive.”

            Zayn let out a frustrated sigh, leaning back and crossing his arms. “Could you stop being so paranoid? Nothing is going to happen.”

            I knit my brow. “With that perspective, she’s going to easily take advantage of you.”

            He laughed sarcastically, a bitter expression spreading across his face. It was reminiscent of old Zayn. “Farah, you’re being ridiculous. Your lack of faith in me in appaling, to be honest.”

            But I was still angry. I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t still angry.

            “Promise to keep your guard up around her and I’ll drop it.”

            Zayn rolled his eyes but defeat was evident. “Alright, alright. I’ll do that.”

            “I want you to promise.”

            “Farah, please.”

            “Zayn, promise.”

            He offered me a weak half-smile before planting a soft kiss against my cheek. “I promise, stupid.”




ANYWHO, This has been one hell of a rollercoaster eh? well for me it has!

First of all   I just want to thank you all for taking a little of your time to read this story so thank you so much.

Second of all i just want to thank the original author of this marvellous fanfiction for letting me post this on wattpad. I still cant beleieve i got the OK to do this so thank you so much Mehnaz!


you guys HAVE to go check out her official page- it has many of her other  amazing stories so go check it out!

the link is in the external link and right here▼▼


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