thank you + sequel

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A little late with the huge thank you I want to offer you all. I'm not going to make it long and sappy because there's two more books for that, but I hope you all realize how much I appreciate every single one of you. Your votes, comments, immense support--it all means the world to me, and motivates me to pursue my passion. I truly hope I make each of you proud with the trilogy. Thank you for being apart of such a great project. (insert way too many heart emojis in attempts to properly show my gratitude.) I LOVE YOU ALL.

Now, the part you're probably really here for. 


The second book in this trilogy is titled "The Conquering" and here's a brief summary:

Evelyn wakes injured and alone yet somehow still in good health. Her first thoughts are to find Robbie and Sasha after they were taken by rabid experiments. However, if things were different before, they're completely flipped upside down now. Experiments are conquering the country state by state, enslaving the scared humans and eradicating the disobedient ones. With a twisted monarch fantasy, experiments are every bit the dictators people always feared to be ruled by. 

Except for Micah, an experiment who once appeared to be Evelyn's biggest threat but somehow slowly becomes her strongest ally after saving her. Micah suddenly has the choice of what side he's on--his own kind or Evelyn's. 

 Problems only grow more severe when Harry returns, only he isn't at all the Harry he used to be. The doctor has operated on him again, creating a stronger, more deadlier beast for reasons unknown, though, it's skeptical he's working for Micah. Evelyn is back to her distant, closed off personality, not sparing anyone a single drop of her trust. 

 As it often goes, there are more than two sides in a war. 


I hope you all enjoy it as much or more so than the first because I've certainly enjoyed writing them both. Thank you again for all your support, and I'll see you in the second book ;)

The Inception (Book #1 of The Inception Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now