Chapter 2: The Island

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Hello Fallers. Yes Fallers, that is the official name of the gravity falls fans. Anyways I'll probably say something at the end of the story.

Then.. The wave splashed over us and we blacked out.


"Grenda, Candy! Wake up!" I shook them awake.

I couldn't believe it.. We had shipwrecked. It happened so fast, I saw the wave. I was looking through the surveillance camera and saw them hug one last time.

I then realized that my brother was gone and he did what he could to save us.

Then I decided not to be the little girl that I always was and survive long enough to find Dipper and everyone else.

"Mabel! We found something! It looks like it's Dippers'!" Grenda shouted.

I got up and walked over to her and candy. "What is it that you found?"

She hands me a blue book with a golden pine tree.

I gasp and look at the journal, it was in a ziplock bag. "Journal number 2"

Somewhere on another part of the island...

"Tambers! Wake up!" I've been trying to get her and Robbie to wake up for an hour.

Everything has been failing apart..

First a storm hits us..

Then Dipper sacrifices himself to make sure we survive..

Now we're some where in the Pacific ocean.. Probably on inhabitable island.

I start getting aggravated and slapped them both. Which works perfectly.

"Ahhh! Why you do that?!" Tambry yelled.

"I thought you were dead!"

"Well I wasn't!!"

"Both of you! Shut up! We all family's we need to get back to, so shut up and let's look around." Robbie shouted.

I was actually surprised that he stopped us from having a brawl.

"Robbies right, let's get going." I got up and we started moving into the jungle.

"WAIT!!" Tambry yelled.

"What is it?" I ask.

"WHERE'S MY PHONE?!?!?!" She scrammed.

I roll my eyes and continue walking in the jungle.

When I hear Tambry trip over something. "Ah! Stupid mysterious blue book!" I quickly turn around and she is about to throw it in the ocean.

I quickly grab it before she does. "Wait that's the dip sticks journal!"

"What is it supposed to be?" She looks over my shoulder as Robbie is in front of me.

"Journal number 3."

With Soos and Melody...

Me and Melody actually woke up an hour ago or so.

We made a fire to stay warm and dry off.

I had found a bad clothes with us so we were dry for the most part.

"Soos.." I turn my head to my girlfriend.

"Yeah Melody?"

"I'm worried we might not go back home."

"I'm not." I say out in the open.

She looks at me like I was the most craziest man alive. "Why would you say that?"

"Because.. When you left gravity falls, a month later or so.. A powerful Dorito demon attacked and almost took over the world, if it wasn't for the pines, we probably wouldn't be here."

Now she looks at me like I'm stupid AND crazy. "Really Soos?"

"Hey if a video game character can come to life then a demon is real."

"Hey Soos, you think I'll be able to burn this book." She hands me a blue book.

I open it and realize what it is. "No we can't it's a very important book, it belongs to dipper."

"Why is important?" She asks.

"It helped us in the weirdmageddon, but it was a different book."

"What's it called?"

"Journal number 1"


"But hold on! How about Dipper and Pacifica?!?!" I hear you asking. Don't worry I'm getting to that right now.

"Wake up, pine tree, wake up."

I stir awake. "Ughh.. My head.. Wait.." I then realize the voice.

"Did you miss me pine tree?"

"Bill.. F******.. Cipher.. What are you doing here?! I thought we got rid of you!!"

"Well let me explain, like the gentleman I am, when I was trapped inside your great uncles head I said.."

He turns red and and starts.

"Ltolox! Ym emit sah emoc ot nrub! I ekovni eht tneicna srewop taht I thgim nruter!"

I looked at him and felt my eye twitch. ".. Am I supposed to know what that means?"

"Figure it out pine tree! Anyways let me tell you something about this island." He pulls up 3 monitor everyone is on one of them.

Soos and Melody on the first one, Mabel, Grenda and candy on the second one, and Wendy, Robbie and Tambry on the third one.

"Might want to look a little closer closer pine tree."

Then I notice in the hands of Mable, Wendy, and Soos are my journals.

"What I thought I proofed the bags from everything!!"

"Did you Bill proof them?" I turn around and see Pacifica.

"No and." I run over and give her the biggest hug ever. "I thought I lost you." I said as I laugh and cry.

"Still here you know." Bill says while swinging his cane.

"Oh Pacifica, this is Bill. He turned you into a tapestry of his glory."

"Hello llama, nice to see you again, here have the screaming heads of your father!"

He claps his hands and the head of Preston appears on the feet of Pacifica.

She then..

Laughs.. She laughs and picks up the head. "Sigh.. I've dreamed of this." Bill looks disappointed.

"Have I've been out that long? Anyways, here's the deal pine tree, everyone is on different parts of the island. Everyone is a key to your freedom and off this island. You must find everyone before the monsters find them first. And since I'm feeling nice.. You each get one power depending on your zodiac symbol. Good luck pine tree."

He then disappears. me and Paz both wake up on a white beach.

And that's it for this chapter! I hope y'all liked that chapter and many more to come. Probably 30 more, who knows.

Anyways see you all later and remember-

Me: dad that's my line!
Bill: *flys away laughing*
Me: revenge will be mine!

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