emails and funerals

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A man travelled to Venezuela for a holiday

His wife and children were back home in London

He typed an email but little did he know he sent it to the wrong family

Meanwhile in London

A mother and her son came back from the mothers husband's funeral

She loved him ever so much

When the son left to house for a while
The mother decided to check her email

She opened the mail from

'Your husband'

When she read the letter she screamed and fainted

The son came rushing to her scared and when he read the email he was shocked

The email read

Dear lovely wife

My isn't it hot down here!!
I'm sooo hot it feels like I'm in a oven anyways I'm sorry I couldn't write soon you see there's hardly WiFi here you have to connect to the outside WiFi
And hardly technology here!!

Loves and kisses your husband

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