It Never Hurts To Try(Part 1)

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"Oh wow..." Thirteen year old Alfred Jones stared at the screen in wonder as one man put his cock into another man's ass and began thrusting in and out of him "Those noises..." Alfred was blushing and his pants felt slightly tight around his crotch. Alfred was a very curious boy, that was something he never outgrew, so when he saw the thing about gay rights on television he went and asked his father about it "Hey dad? What does gay mean?" Arthur blinked and looked down at his son with a flustered expression, he knew the sex talk was coming but he didn't think it was the gay sex talk "Um...go look it up on your computer son, I couldn't tell you," Alfred nodded and ran upstairs to his computer. The results that came up on Google were filtered videos and websites but Alfred was curious about the videos. He took away the filter before clicking on the video and that was where he was now, watching gay porn. Once the video was over he reached for the phone and called his best friend Matthew "Hello?" The boy called Matthew answered the phone in a soft voice "Hey Mattie! I found something awesome! Hurry up with the packing and get over here so I can show you!!" Matthew sighed as he slipped the bag onto his arm "Mamman wants us to go grocery shopping first so I'm gonna be an hour Al," Matthew walked down the stairs and out to the car where he put his things in. "Well hurry up! It's awesome!!" Before Matthew could respond the phone hung up and Matthew sighed before smiling and getting in the car.

~Time Skip brought to you by Moi~

Matthew entered Alfred's room to see Alfred staring at the screen with an enraptured expression and Matthew wondered if this was what Alfred wanted to show him. "Hey Al," Matthew spoke in his loudest voice but Alfred didn't even look up since he was wearing headphones. Matthew grabbed the bell Alfred always left by the door so that he could announce his presence and shook it. Alfred looked up an grinned as he paused what he was watching "Mattie!!" He closed the laptop and ran to Matthew before hugging him tightly "Al...why do you always hug me as if you haven't seen me in a year," Matthew said as he chuckled, Alfred pulled away with a grin "Because dude, it doesn't matter how long it's been since I've seen you, I still miss you!" He then got a mischievous look in his eyes as he leaned close to Matthew's ear "Oh you know what the word gay means~?" Matthew pulled away and blushed uncomfortably "Y-Yeah, that's when two guys like each other instead of a girl and boy..." Alfred frowned at him before pouting "No fair, I wanted to be able to tell you!" Matthew chuckled and put his hand on Alfred's shoulder "Sorry Al, I learned it from the internet." Alfred looked at him as a thought formed in his head "Have you seen it?" Matthew blinked, confused "Seen it?" Alfred suddenly grinned and wrapped his arm around Matthew "Yeah, it's one thing to know about it Mattie, but to see it, that right there is another thing entirely..." He pulled Matthew onto the bed beside him and kept his arm around his shoulders as he set the laptop on their lap. "Here, put these on, and no matter what... Do. Not. Move." He accentuated each word with a poke to Matthew's nose before Matthew nodded and put the earbud in. Alfred opened the laptop and restarted the video he was watching as Matthew stared at the computer, horror and awe on his face. Once the video was over Alfred looked at Matthew to see his face bright red "Hey Mattie, you ok?" Matthew looked at him slowly and shook his head "What.....was that...?" Alfred patted his head "That was gay sex Mattie, it's cool huh?" Matthew blinked repeatedly at Alfred as a glare formed on his face "That...was not cool Alfred, that wasn't even close to cool!" He looked down and Alfred gently patted his shoulder "I'm sorry Mattie, I really like it to be honest, but I guess it's not everybody's thing..." He looked down, dejected, just as Matthew looked up at him in surprise "Al...I'm sorry too, I liked it also and that's why I'm scared..." Alfred looked up as an idea formed in his mind "Do you want to try it?" Matthew looked back up with tears sliding down his cheeks, confused "Try what...?" Alfred shut the laptop and faced Matthew with his hands on his shoulders "Kissing first, and if we like that then we can try the rest?" Matthew was shocked by the bold proposal "I don't know...what if your dad comes in and sees us, or hears us?" Alfred chuckled as he shook his head "No dude, my dad is fast asleep right now, he's a really heavy sleeper so he won't hear a thing." Matthew swallowed nervously as he thought it over and made up his mind "Ok...I guess we can..."
Matthew was gently pushed onto the bed as Alfred hovered over him, his lips were parted and his normally pale face was dusted with red as he stared nervously down at Matthew with wide eyes. He lowered himself gently as Matthew's eyes closed and then Matthew felt it, the soft barely there touch of lips. He pulled away quickly as Matthew's eyes shot open, the two lay there silently, staring at each other.

It Never Hurts To Try(An AmeCan & FrUK Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now