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He stood off, back against a locker, eyes following the yellow blur.

His mind was hollow, covered, painted in the thoughts of the man walking down the hall. A noise pulled him from out of his trance.

"Youngjae!" Jaebum snapped his head in the direction of the noise. A blonde was calling Youngjae's name.

The confident male stopped his stride down the hall, directly stopping in front of the blonde and his friends. He lifted his head to meet his eyes with the other.

"What do you want?" Youngjae asked to the three standing, blocking the hallway. Jackson, Mark and Jinyoung are their names he thinks.

"Hm." Jackson looked to his counterparts, then all three back to Youngjae. Jaebum felt something knot in the pit of his stomach.

Maybe the feeling was nerves from just how, gorgeous Youngjae looked: his head slightly tilted sideways, hair messily falling into his face from the angle, a sort of bored annoyance plastered across his beautiful features. Of course, the look didn't even rival with how bright he looked when he smiled, but it still made Jaebum anxious. Jaebum had some fascination, some fixation with every small thing Youngjae did. It made him physically sick to know that he'd never spoken to him, and it's possible he never would since he didn't have enough courage to speak to a literal God.

It was also possible the new, uncomfortable feeling knotting it's way in his abdomen was some protective sense. Jaebum somehow knew this conversation between Jackson and Youngjae wasn't going to be a good one.

Apparently other people sensed it too because a crowd had started to form around the odd pair, blocking Jaebum's view, of in his opinion, the most radiant thing in the world, Choi Youngjae.

"Look at you today Youngjae." Jackson said.

'Does Jackson get it too? Just how lovely he is?' Jaebum thought.

"Yes, the creature has working eyes. Quite an anomaly."

"Honestly Youngjae at this point I wish I didn't. You look awful."

Jaebum clenched his fists at his sides. This had to be a joke. Someone couldn't actually think that.

"You try so hard putting all this shit on your face, and you still look bad. Plus, really, yellow?" 

Youngjae stared at Jackson blankly, seeming just to be waiting for him to be finished talking.

"It's gold you ignorant shit." He said in a bored tone. His wrist was bent and he was checking what seems to be perfectly manicured nails.

"Youngjae do yourself a favour and have a little self respect."

He knocked his books to the floor scattering them in all different directions. Youngjae looked at them lazily before looked again to Jackson.

"Really is that the best you can do? You're being a petty child." 

Jaebum was sure at this point his eyes were going to come out of his head. How could he not only not appreciate youngjaes beauty, but go out of his way to insult it. It didn't make sense. Yoingjae had something Jaebum had seen no other person possess he had some aura. How could more people not appreciate it?! 

"Makeup is gay." Jackson stayed seemingly matter of factly. Youngjae merely riled his eyes, lowering his hand back down to his side, a small smile playing across his artwork of a face. 

"Well, I mean I heard you sucked Mark off in the locker room but that's none of my buisness."

The colour drained from Jacksons face and Mark's eyes widened.

Youngjae, after picking up his books, pushed past the startled to and into the bathroom, leaving a hushed crowd, and am angry Jaebum in his wake.


A/N: Lol Youngaje is a savage

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