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Youngjae sprung up from his seat, and bolted across the lunchroom to where he saw the shy boy.

He was tugging at his sweater, he too seeming to be looking for someone. His eyes lit up when Youngjae assumed he found what e was looking for; it so happened to be his friends. His group of friends were kind of quiet, and reserved. In fact, Youngjae had never seen them before. They seemed welcoming enough though. Jaebum, still unaware Youngjae was staring, started moving towards his table. He was stopped by a bright energy.

"Hey, it's Jaebum, right?"

The boy in front of Youngjae seemed to shrink. A nervous smile played at his lips and he immediately looked to his feet.

"There's no need to be shy by the way, I'm only asking because you're really sweet."

"Uh- Yeah, it's-" he cleared his throat. "It's Jaebum."

Youngjae was surprised with how much deeper Jaebums voice was now, than when they'd first talked. He'd seemed to settle into himself a little. Although, he still looked flustered and nervous.

"I wanted to thank you for coming to talk to me. I know I act like what they say, well, I act like I don't care, but I really do."

"Well you shouldn't." Jaebum hastily interjected. He looked as if he regretted it quickly afterwards.

"You know for someone who is so quiet and shy, the few words you do say are so explosive, and bold."

Jaebum flushed a deep red, and any confidence he'd had was gone.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Stop apologising. I wouldn't be talking to you if I didn't want to, and I never said it was a bad thing." Youngjae chucked a little realising how much power he had in this situation, and also coming to the awareness he wouldn't abuse that power. Because if he took advantage of how kind Jaebum seemed to be, that might hurt him. He wasn't quite sure what that weird feeling was when he looked at Jaebum, but he knew that hurting him, somehow wasn't and never could be an option.

"I was wondering," Youngjae asked. "Would you and your friends like to come sit with me and mine?"


Jaebum, Taehyung, and Jimin and all sat down with Yugeyom, Youngjae and Kunpimook, Jungkook, and Yoongi.

"So," a happy looking one with dark purple hair named Jungkook said. "Which one of you is Jaebum?"

"I am"

"I hope you know you're pretty goddamn special. Like seriously you must be something else if you got the high and mighty Young-" a worried hand was speedily clamped over the boys mouth.

Jaebum looked at Jungkook worriedly "What do you mean? he said, biting into an apple.

"Nothing, he means nothing."

Jaebum smiled, taking another bite, hoping whatever the well kept secret was it was pertaining to him. Although, he had enough excitement to deal with already. For a few months, he'd admired Youngjae, but had been to scared to say anything. Youngjae was so beautiful to him he merely took his breath away and left him speechless. He couldn't believe he'd actually been able to talk to him, and more importantly, he'd stuck around. His heart raced knowing he was sitting in such a presence, a presence he adored so much. He looked at Youngjae merely lost conversation and thought he was the most prize being in the world. He smiled softly, scrutinising the way Youngjae tossed his soft brown has over his forehead as he laughed, this loud open-mouthed, laugh. He leaned forward in his seat and lit up the entire room.

"Actually" Jimin stated in a small light voice, breaking Jaebum from his encapsulated trance, "Youngjae must be special too. All of high school Jaebum has only really talked to us. He's kind of shy."

Jaebum looked to Youngjae, "Yeah, I guess he is pretty special." 

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