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(Pictures listed are later Instagram posts) 

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(Pictures listed are later Instagram posts) 

The two smaller groups easily become comfortable with the merge into one. It flowed to easily they loved each other.

Jaebum has added Youngjae, Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Yoongi, Kunpimook, and Yugeyeom to a chat!

Taehyung: hello 👀

Taehyung has named this chat: 🖕🏼

Jungkook: Hi Tae.

Yugeyeom: Why are you up its like 3 a.m.

Yoongi: What, you giant baby, are toy afraid your parents are going to coke in and yell at you?

Yugeyeom: no but the dumb light woke me up

Yoongi: sleep is for the weak

Yugeyeom: The fact you sleep 2 hours a week makes you grumpy old man

Jimin: Hi!

Taehyung: Why are you so excited?

Jimin: it's just great to have friends and be alive you know

Yoongi: Alright sure you weirdo

Kunpimook: 👅

Jungkook: actually though, why are we here

Jaebum: I was wondering if any of you wanted to hang out tomorrow.

Taehyung: I'd love to but you know I'm helping my grandmother move and Jungkook is coming along.

Jungkook: 😛👀

Yoongi: I'm actually going to a concert with Jimin, and I think the maknaes are tagging along.

Yugeyeom: that's true, sorry bro.

Kunpimook: Yes. Rap. Rap is live rap is life. Lol. I am much rap. I know all the raps. #swag

Yugeyeom: why do any of us talk to him?

Kunpimook: 🌞

Jaebum: sorry then, another day?

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