Chapter 2

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My forehead was coated in sweat and my hair was matted and clinging to my forehead
I could feel my heat beating against my chest as I raced through the streets after the thief.

They were fast and obviously experienced. I pushed people out of may way as I chased after the thief.

I ran for 20 minutes until they made a turn into an alley, it was visible that they were trying to figure a way out.

"Wrong Turn?" A smirk was now painted onto my face "Back off, I stole this fair and square" she snarled

"And if I don't what will you do?" she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out

I moved closer to her readying for a fight. she moved towards me now having a dagger in her grip.

She swung her dagger towards me, cutting my wrist I could feel warm liquid pour from the cut and a throbbing pain erupting from that area

She grinned her blood stained dagger in hand, she lunged at me stabbing my leg causing me to fall to the ground my leg throbbed in pain.

I could feel the world beginning to darken and my eye lids felt heavy, my grasp of consciousness was slipping.

Before the world completely faded out I saw piercing amber eyes lock with my own
and the thief uttered the words "Sleep Well"

Then I closed my eyes and heard silence.

When I opened my eyes again I was no longer in an alley way, I sat up forgetting about my wrist, putting pressure on it probably wasn't the best idea

I groaned in pain, I caught a glance of my injured wrist, it was now wrapped up in bandage.

I looked all around the room, it was very fancy if I do say so myself and I do

There was embroidered pillows on the bed where I lay and lace curtains and the windows and a red carpet lined with gold on the floor

"Where the heck am I?" my words came out slightly as a mumble, the door to the room opens and I saw blond hair swaying as a figure entered the figure met there eyes with mine

"Ah I see you are awake" there piercing blue eyes looked into my own "W-where am I" I felt nervous for the response

"You are in Ok'hasis"

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