Chapter 3

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"O-Ok'hasis? What?" He shot me a smile and sat on a wooden chair that was placed across the room "Yes, O'khasis, the largest city in Ru'an"

"T-then who the heck are you?" I felt my hand shaking ever so slightly "I am Garroth, eldest son of Garte and heir to the thorn of O'khasis" I tried to stand up and bow but ended up falling backwards on the bed

"Forgive me S-sir" I could feel my cheeks became warm and I felt flustered "It's fine there's no need to bow" he chuckled

"H-how did I get here may I ask?" His smile faded and he began to explain "You see we found you bleeding out in Nakara, if my guards hadn't spotted you and brought you here you would've been a goner" I gritted my teeth knowing that She had done this to me

"Garroth! We have a meeting soon hurry up!" A women with red hair entered the room a white fox at her side "Nicole, I know I'll be there soon, I just didn't want him to wake up and be confused or scared or anything like that"

I sat on the bed watching the two bicker until I interrupted "Who are you may I ask miss?" She took her glare off Garroth and turned to me with a smile

"I am Nicole, eldest and only daughter of ScalesWind and I'm betrothed to Garroth" I smiled and nodded "well I wouldn't want to waste any of your time I should be leaving"
I said smile still firmly on my face

"So suddenly you could stay a little-" I cut him off "No! I mean Erhm-I'd love to but I have somewhere I'm probably late by now" he nodded "very well then, if you want ever need help just know you have a friend in O'khasis"

I exited the room and began to walk down the winding corridors it was cold and damp barley any light other than the few torches that lined the halls.

I finally came to what looked to be an exit door, it was large and had intricate engravings of patterns carved into the oak that made up the door

I pushed open he door and was greeted by a gust of cold wind and the blazing sunlight I stepped outside to see a plaza full of people there eyes now turned towards me

I exited the castle and closed the door behind me, people were still looking at me in awe.

I made my way through the town and exited out of the gate talking to know one along the way despite there many questions

I got out of the town and walked deep within the forest once again, I felt mother darkness inside me pulling me towards the nether, I still need to fight it,

I can't go back and I won't

First I have someone to KiLl


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