Chapter 1: My Mission

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+++ 14 years later+++

Oh I guess I haven’t properly introduced myself yet have i? Well HELLO my names Karma Jones and I’m 18 years old. When I was five years old my parents were killed by rouges, who souly wanted me. Anyway when I was leaving I found a note left by my mother saying I had a task or mission to perform. I had to find the Blood Moon Pack and help them in a war against all rogues who wanted the power to kill all humans and other weres. It said I must train and so I did. I now know any type of self- defense or attack move in the world and know 1476 ways of killing people slowly with or without weapons. I’ve been in the military and I’m now a chief commander in the navy seals, air force and army. I know how to track, hunt, smell, hurt, hack and kill anyone, anytime, any day. Anyway back to the story.

BEEP BEEP BEEP! I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring.  “UGH” I slapped my hand over my alarm clock to stop the beeping. ‘The mission!’ I thought to myself suddenly feeling excited and bolting upright on my bed. “I finally get to do it” I murmured to myself. I shakily stood up and reached for some clothes and trudged to the bathroom. I did my business and had my shower, letting the warm water relax my tensed muscles.  You don’t need to know the rest. I wrapped my towel around my body and stepped out. “Hmm Aha!” I said whilst getting a pair of blue skinnys, a short cut gold engraved top that shows my b.button ring and my black pumps. I grabbed my phone and backpack then went into my black mustang. The engine started with a satisfying roar that would put a lion to shame and I drove off. I headed to the Blood Moon Pack’s high school. ‘Where the alpha will be’. I masked my scent with a special spray that I made. No-one can mask there scent except me. I walked towards the school right when the bell rang, and no I don’t need to study here I finished all my studys at age 10. I just need to help them. I’m only here for a day. ’15 minutes late’ I thought. I waltzed into the school and found the office easily. “Hello… my names Karma Smith?” I always use a fake last name. “Yes hello! Welcome! Ill get your stuff!” the secretary said in a cheery voice. I sniffed the air. ‘human’. “Here you go!” “Thank you, enjoy your day” I said whilst walking out. “Hmm what have I got?”








Free Period


‘Yes! I have my favourite classes!’ I thought while walking to English.

I knocked on the door and then entered.

“Hello! You must be Karma Smith my new student!” “Yes that’s me!” “Why don’t you introduce yourself” shakes hand out to emphasize the point ”to the class!” I turned to the class. I immediately smelled out that there was only 15 humans in the room. “Hi my names Karma Smith, my favourite colours blue and let’s just say I’m special.” That caused all the werewolves in the class to try sniff me out but being able to find nothing. “Why don’t you sit next to Luke.” Mr gradman said “Ok” I replied in a bored monotone. I walked up to the seat and sat down listening to Mr Gradman drone on about Romeo and Juliet. I looked over at Luke’s arm and saw his pack tattoo. “Hey nice tattoo” I whispered. “Yeah” he replied. “So Mr Alpha, Blood Moon eh?” He was wearing a shocked expression. “How do yo-“  “Karma if you want to talk during my  class, how about you recite the whole story of Romeo and Juliet!” Mr Gradman interrupted with a disapproving look. “Of course “ I replied calmly reciting the story of Romeo and Juliet. “Mr Gradman I must tell you something now.  I don’t need to be here. I finished high school, Uni and my studies at age10. I am the youngest and best chief military and navy commander in the world. I am here for something personal so don’t ask.” I said in a steel tone. He just nodded while the class had their mouths open in shock and gazed at me with complete and utter awe. I waltzed up to Luke and whispered “Bring your best fighters and meet me in the woods.” To his shocked face knowing well the werewolves in the class were listening in and gaping that I knew their well kept secret. I walked out just as the second period bell rang.

***Luke Pov*** What just happened?

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