chapter 2: Mate and suprises

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***Karma Pov***

I ran into the woods and sat down at a clearing. Suddenly, I heard the rustling of bushes and turned around. There were 20 guys and no women. ‘sexist’ I thought grumpily. “Lets play 20 questions” I said cheerily. “This is a serious matter!” Luke bellowed while the others growled. “EXCUSE ME! DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN THE FUTURE? CAUSE I COULD  LET THE WHOLE SUPERNATURAL WORLD DIE RIGHT NOW!” I  shouted just as loud. I could feel my hair levitating and turning rainbow. My hair started to catch fire and i could feel my skin and eyes change.  (A/N see characters page to see what she looks like) “DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! NO I DIDN’T THINK SO!” I started to turn back to normal, concentrating on controlling my anger. To say they were shocked was an understatement. “Now 20 questions, you start anyone can speak” Luke started still shocked “wha-what are you?” You’ll find out when we start training.” I replied.  “What is your greatest fear Luke?” “Not finding my mate” he mumbled “You’ll find  her extremely soon don’t worry” I said smirking. He just gave me a confused look and shook it off. A guy who I assume was Beta asked “Who are you, really?” “who is the most famous person you know? Max?” He seemed confused on how I knew his name but answered anyway. “K.J. No-one knows her real name.” “Think k could stand for?” “Karma” he replied staring at me in uncertainty and shock.  “Hello my names Karma Jones, when I was five my parents were murdered in front of me and I became stone cold, a girl who knows everything about everyone and can kill anyone in an instant. I’m K.J.” There was a series of “wows” and “I can’t believe it’s” but I payed close attention to a question asked by a random fighter. ”That doesn’t explain why and how you don’t have a scent.” He stated. “Well when I was 12 I came by some wolfs bane and dandelions, and being the 12 year old I was, decided to mix them together for the curiosity and ended up with a scent masking spray. Only I put some of my energy into it to make sure only I can use it, activate it and de-activate it no matter what. That was a very smart question Sean.” I replied matter-of-factly. “Could we erm…. Learn your scent so later we know where you are just in case?” Max asked politely. “Of course” I replied. I let relaxation settle in and I could feel my scent slowly re-generating. “Luke remember when I told you, you would find your mate soon?” “yes” he replied dazed and confused as to where the amazing smell was. “Hello mate” I said

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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