Magazine part 2

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I have been in the gym today like really all day because when I read the magazine the pictures were not how I thought they would come out I only have two hours till I have to get faith Devin took her outside to a carnival and it started raining so now she is sick and he doesn't know what to do he could've called his mom to help but she is in Europe with her girls

While I was running on the tread mill I kept going back to the text  Devin sent me and our conversation

From: husband😍❤

Your magazine was awesome, happy you made the cover

To: husband😍❤

Thank you so much for the support I appreciate it..

(Maybe I should change is contact)

From: Faith's Dad

Yeah no problem , I'm really sorry about everything I put you through I was an asshole just know that whenever you need anything I be there for you xo

To:Faiths Dad

Yeah I know and thank you , how is my baby doing

From: Faiths Dad

She is doing good we went to a carnival today so she is worn out , oh yeah something I have been meaning to talk about WHO IS BEEN? AND WHY ARE YALL HOLDING HANDS!!!??

Unconditional Love (IGYE SERIES THREE)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora