Chapter 4

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I just got off the plane yaaaaa 😃. My mom said know we're going to the house  but we have to wait for uber because its picking all of us up.
*20minutes later*
So finally the uber car arrives then we wait in the car and it takes about 30 minutes.
Jenna: hey mom the ride wasn't as bad
Mom: yea it was only 30 minutes from the airport not that bad at all
Dad: yea honey it was a short ride actually very short.
Jenna: yea so this is the house !!!! ( squee)💖💖💖
Dad/Mom: fan-tastic
i go in the house it's very large then my mom points me to my room it up like 1 or 2 flights of stairs going up. And when I came up the stairs there was an elevator, I was like you got to be serious  im so tired but I had to put all of my stuff away. It took me about 45 minutes then my mom calls me downstairs.
Mom: come downstairs ok
Jenna: alright coming know
Mom: so you are going to a different school and it starts tomorrow and just for tomorrow you have to take the bus
Jenna: alright I have to go to sleep know.
Mom: goodnight honey
Jenna: ok night see ya in the morning

I hope you guys enjoyed bye🖐😘💖🍭💖

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