Chapter 14

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Eli lay awake in her bed for as long as he possibly could—as long as his mind would allow. But a little after 6:00 a.m., he carefully pulled his arm from under Lena, collected his clothes, and quietly left the room, trying not to disturb her. However, on that particular night, Lena's mind allowed her no rest either; she was also lying there awake unknown to him. When Lena heard the front door close, she rolled over on her back, let go of a deep breath, and rubbed her face.

For the first time ever, she did not know if she had the will to leave. He was so different from the others. How had he gotten so deeply inside her emotionally? she wondered. Lena played through every scenario in her head, looking for one that would allow her not to get on the train this morning—any scenario to let her spend the rest of the day with him. There was only one way. For a moment, the briefest moment, she considered it. For longer, she wanted to. But she was bound to something she could neither alter nor escape. How can we choose whom to love, whom not to love, what to sacrifice, and when? The strain of that question overtook her, and a single tear escaped under the tension. Only a single tear, but a profound one.

Get up or you will be late.

The moment passed, and when Eli returned to Lena's townhouse around 8:30 a.m. after his run and a shower, he found her bed empty and the bathroom door closed. He sat in a chair, reached for the remote, and turned on the TV. The channel was set to the BBC News morning talk show, and the two hosts were finishing an interview with an American businessman who had a southern accent. The recognizable drawl of the voice caught Eli's attention.

"Mr. Giordano, £15 million is a massive sum. Your philanthropy is well-known in the U.S.A., but why fund a specialized hospital for children with cancer in London?"

"Well, Bill, Hatakni Corporation has a sizeable workforce in the U.K., second only to our American operations. We take care of our people. That's not just a line that is good for public relations. As CEO, I firmly believe our company exists to serve not only our customers and not only our stockholders... We have a moral obligation to take care of our employees and their families. I believe that deeply. A few months ago, I received a letter from one of our long-time staff here in the U.K. whose son had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, and she asked if she could be reassigned to one of our offices in the United States so that she could try to have him cared for at a similar medical institution to the one that will be established now here. We made that happen for her. We made sure she had the time and financial resources to be with him and to be his mother during a very hard period of life for them both.

"I am happy to report that they are back in London, and he is making a good recovery. However, during their experience, I saw how difficult it was for them to pack up and relocate to another country—away from familiar surroundings and the support of their wider family. I mean, Bill, people in that kind of fight—a parent and child—struggle emotionally...maybe as much as physically. They need to be near home and near all the people they love, especially if it goes the other way...if...if...well, her son's recovery is real gift. And my hope is that in the very near future, other families in similar circumstances will be able to stay right here not far from their real home during their medical treatment."

Eli immediately became totally enthralled with the genuineness. He sensed this was not some businessman doing a few minutes of feigned corporate social responsibility, but that this guy really meant what he said.

"I have one last question for you, Mr. Giordano..."

"Sure thing, Louise. I would stay all morning with you and your viewers, but this is a great sofa you have here on the set, and, if I sit here much longer, I won't be able to resist going back to sleep this morning. This sofa is the perfect answer for jet lag. Can I take it with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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