♡Welcome to Ikebukuro!♡

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Your p.o.v
My brother, Izaya Orihara had moved to this city after our mother had died. Our father turned into some drunken bum. The twins and me had to deal with hs annoying way of life until I got fed up with it.
'Seriously, he should at least have some self dignity' You thought as you helped your father to bed.
"Excuse me, is this Izaya Orihara?"

[Indeed it is, who is calling?]

"Your sister, "y/n Orihara."

[Ah, what do you need from me?]

"I need to get away from this family. Izaya, I'm going to pack up and leave here."

[Where do you intend on staying, and furthermore, why call me about it?]

"Well, your not going to like it. But I was wondering if I could come stay with you. In Ikebukuro..."


"Hello, Izaya are you there?"

[Yeah, yeah. You really shouldn't come here though y/n. There's do many dangers here and the last thing I want is for my favorite Sibling to get hurt.]

"I'll be okay, so can I stay with you until I scramble enough money to leave?"


"Thanks a ton, Izaya. I'll be at the train station on Sunday."

Finally, I was leaving this terrible house. I didn't tell the twins because I knew they would tell dad.
I started my way to the airport, and aborded. I feel very guilty for smuggling money from my father's wallet in order to make it to Ikebukuro.
-Timeskip brought to you by SHIZUO!!!-
Finally, I was in Ikebukuro. This place seemed like a Wonderland for someone like me. It's actually my first time visiting Izaya since he left.
"Y/N!" I heard a voice call. I turned around to see a raven haired man waving a single hand to me. "Excuse me, are you Izaya Orihara?" You ask.
"Do I look like your brother? Of course it's me!" Izaya laughed and you turned red due to the embarrassment. "C'mon, like I want to stay here for very long." Izaya said as he nudged you to get going.
You started to examine the place. It was crowded here, as if 1,000,000 people were in a single area.
And that's where I wished I could replay the moment over and over again.
OMG I hoped you loved it! I hate having to do author notes on full pages to tease you guys like that. Anyway I'll post the next chapter here in a few. Bye!

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