Chapter 1

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OK, those of you who have never scene The Proposal from 2009 staring Ryan Reynols and Sandra Bulldock? You're crazy, and you need to find a way to watch it, but beware it's rated PG-13 for a reason, there's a naked scene, nothing happens, I'm just warning you now. Anyways, well, that movie is one of my favorites. So I got bored and decisded to write this. I know how much it irritates me when a person waits months to post the next chapter so I finished it first and I'll post all of it tonight. Hope you love it!

Oh! Don't read this if you've never scene the movie, it'll give it away. And I own nothing of the amazing movie that is The Proposal! Enjoy!


Chapter 1

Margaret heard the whole office applauding her and Andrew as they kissed.

"Yeah, show her who's the boss, Andrew!" someone yelled.

"What are you doing!" her mind screamed. "Do you know how embarrassing this is?"

But she didn't care anymore. She hadn't made out with a guy like this since high school, before that tragic car accident that took her parents' lives. When their faces parted, her jaw ached but she was smiling at her real fiancée.

"You came back… for me..." she whispered, her heart pounding.

He looked her straight in the eye and said in that firm, self-assured voice, "I love you, Margaret."

She could barely stand as she felt her knees go weak. She was melting… melting… and nothing was going to save her carefully constructed steel shell anymore. Like the Beast in "Beauty and the Beast", she had been transformed into a beautiful human princess. Andrew's princess.

They stood there for an eternity, until Jordan coughed and broke the spell.


Jack and Edwin had walked in to see what all of the hubbub was about.

"Tsk, tsk, Margaret, I had no idea you two were so affectionate with each other," remarked Edwin, who was still annoyed that she had mentioned LaQueesha in front of Jack.

Andrew beamed at his bride-to-be. "It's back to the immigration office to talk to Mr. Gilbertson."

"I thought you were supposed to get married over the weekend?" asked Edwin.

"It was my fault," Margaret explained. "But as you can see, we're good now." She was glad she hadn't given Jack all the sordid details about her blackmail and lies. All she had said was that things didn't work out with Andrew and immigration wouldn't give her an extension.

"Good. Keep us posted, Margaret." Jack replied. "I'd like to keep you, if I can."

"Of course, this would mean that you and Andrew won't be able to work in the same division anymore. Sorry, company rules." added Edwin.

Margaret swallowed hard as she realized what it would mean. But Andrew gave her hand a squeeze.

"I understand. I won't mind working for another department, as long as I'm working," he replied.

She looked up at him. He was so sincere, so determined.

"But you worked so hard… I should be the one to switch," she insisted. Her stomach was knotting up again and she felt terrible for everything she had put him through in the last three years.

Andrew remained confident. "It'll be all right. We can discuss this later." He glanced at his watch. "We'd better go get your visa."

Jack nodded his assent.

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