Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Margaret nearly knocked her husband down as she marched out of a Toronto shipping store.

"Idiots!" she growled. "What part of 'fragile' did they not understand!"

For a split second Andrew wondered if he had done the right thing by marrying his old boss. "It's gonna be okay," he replied as calmly as he could.

Margaret stopped and checked herself. "You're right," she said as she took a deep breath. She looked into his eyes and nearly swooned.

"What would I do without you?" she crooned. She wrapped her arms around his neck and felt her stress start to go away.

He patted her lightly on the back. "You know, anger is bad for the heart…"

One tilt of her head was all it took to shut him up. "Of course, you're not normally an angry person…" he continued. He felt like he was handling a tigress or black widow spider.

She grinned and relaxed her head against him again as they strolled up the street, until a familiar voice hailed her.

"Mags? Is that you?"

Margaret and Andrew quickly parted. Her jaw dropped when she saw the blonde, swanky kid—no, man, who stood in front of her.


Chad's face brightened and he extended his arms to Margaret, much to Andrew's dismay. "It is you, Mags!"

Margaret gave Chad a long obligatory hug that aroused jealous feelings in Andrew. Who was this Chad, anyway?

"You haven't changed a bit!" she exclaimed as she looked him over.

"Sure I have. But it's you who have grown more beautiful than ever."

Margaret blushed before she realized her faux pas. "Oh, oh, this is Andrew, my husband," she said as she pulled Andrew to her.

Andrew managed a faint smile as he nodded. "Pleasure."

"What are you doin' here?" asked Margaret with an excitement Andrew hadn't seen before.

"Getting married," replied Chad with a wistful look in his eye.

"Congratulations," muttered Andrew, who felt slightly relieved.

Margaret's jaw dropped again. "Married? Omigosh, what timing! Andrew and I just got married ourselves!"

"Thanks, I wish Gillian were here with me right now. You'd like her," replied Chad as her taut grin got wider.

"When's the wedding?"

Chad glanced at his watch. "In an hour, at St. Mary's."

"Wow, that's where…" began Margaret before she bit her lip.

Andrew did not fail to notice the melancholy shadow that passed over Chad's face.

"Yeah," he replied. "That place."

"Right…well, I'm glad it came true for you," said Margaret softly. Just then, Andrew felt as if an invisible wall of memories had slammed down right in front of him, separating him from his wife and this stranger.

"You know, I didn't ever think I would see you again…" said Chad.

"It's a nice coincidence..." she replied as she looked into his eyes.

"Ahem," Andrew coughed and broke the spell. Margaret and Chad straightened up a little.

"If I wasn't getting married, I would've invited you both to have a drink with me and my bride," Chad smiled.

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