-Chapter 1-

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-Chapter 1-

'fuck off' I moaned burying deep under my bed covers.

'don't be a bore! recover from your 'angover and come tonight' Miles said nudging and pulling me out of bed. I swatted him away. Miles Kane had been my best friend for years now, although he was quite a few years older than me it didn't stop our friendship from being so strong.

'Go away Miles!!!' I shouted at him.

There was only one way round this. I sat straight up and faced him, arms crossed over my chest, regardless of what state my appearance was in.

'Miles, leave off! I got in at 4 this morning, its now 11am, my 'ed is bangin' and I feel like i'm gonna be sick any second. '

He took one look at me and smirked, he held his hands up in defeat.

'Fine, stay in bed! but your coming out with the lads tonight weather you like it or not! I'll pick you up at 7:00pm you better be ready Mia'. I knew from him tone of voice he wasn't giving up easily.

'Fuckin ell, fine I'll be ready by then now piss off and let me sleep miles!' I sighed turning over and pulling the covers up around my neck.

'Great!' Miles smirked 'see you tonight I'll pick you up! The lads are dying to meet you inabit kid' he said kissing the top of my head. I still had my back to him, I mumbled something that didn't make sense in an attempt of a 'good bye'.

Then last thing I remember was falling back into a deep sleep and miles leaving my bedroom...

My name is Mia Charlsing. I am 19 years old and 20 in two months, I dropped out of school to pursuit a career in photography. Miles and I met in a deserted skate park one day, it was early winter and it was freezing cold. I remember being crouched on the floor with my camera positioned to take a photo of some cool spray painted street art until he walked right into my shot.I was taking photos for a portfolio and he was coming home from band practise. Although I have lived in in High Green Sheffield for 10 years I lived in Liverpool before that. He approached me with a familiar Liverpool accent.

'You tryin' to take photos of me or summit?' He asked in a surprisingly friendly voice.

'You what? no actually you walked right into my shot' I snapped at him.

He didn't look taken back from my nasty approach to him. instead he smiled showing his crooked teeth off.

'Miles' he simply stated readjusting his guitar over his shoulder, then he held his hand out to me. I stared at his hand for a split second. Then I took it and he pulled me up right, now we were nose to nose, or in my case nose to his chest. I looked up into his warm brown eyes.

'Mia' I nodded shaking his hand.

and from then on we were the best of friends.


I awoke grouchily. It felt like someone was pushing a heavy weight on my head. Argh the pain was unbearable! I tried to open my eyes slightly, the light burned into them I quickly shut them. No I couldn't get up, I felt like utter death.

'I'll pick you up tonight!' Miles voice rang through my head like a guilty conscious. 'Oh for fucks sake!' I moaned from under my duvet den. I couldn't let Miles down. I had been promising to come out with him and always made up an excuse every time he'd asked me. There was no backing out of this one Mia. I urged myself out of bed thinking of my best friends feelings. I managed to sit up. I suddenly felt a wave of nausea wash over me, making my head spin. I was going to vomit. I quickly stood up my vision hazy and the room spinning around me. I stumbled towards the direction of my bathroom, eventually I got to the toilet seat and collapsed next to it. Then it came, my body shuddered forward, tears stung in my eyes and my throat burned.

'oh god' I muttered under my breath after I'd finished being sick. I flushed the chain on the toilet and wearily stood up. Oh the joys of a hangover. I turned on the shower full blast and turned the dial to hot. I striped of my creased t-shirt and underwear and climbed in, I let the warm water wash over me, drenching me and waking me up. I grabbed the shampoo and poured a dollop into my hand and started massaging my scalp trying to recall some of the events from last night. Nope. The last thing I remember was walking into the club with the girls. oh shit. I sighed and carried on rinsing off the shampoo. After I'd finished conditioning my hair and washing my body, I turned the shower off and climbed out grabbing the nearest towel and wrapping it around myself.

I padded from my bathroom back into my bedroom. Living in an apartment by myself did have its advantages at times. Thank god Miles only lived in the block above. I felt fresher and more alive after that shower. I left my hair in a towel turban and walked over to my wardrobes, I pulled them open carelessly and changed into underwear, high waisted skinny fit dark denim blue jeans, black ankle boots with a heel, a black button chiffon blouse and a black leather jacket. I pulled on some gold jewellery to brighten my outfit slightly. I turned to face the mirror inside my wardrobe door and sighed. It'd do I was only going to someone's apartment for a few drinks I wouldn't stay late anyways. I walked back into the bathroom to clean my teeth and fix my hair.

An hour later I had soft brown waves cascading around my shoulders, minty fresh breath and a face of makeup on. I checked the time. 8:00pm Miles were are you? What time is later? Then I suddenly remembered I hadn't ate anything since yesterday afternoon. I walked into the kitchenette and searched the cupboards and fridge, empty. apart from butter, tomatoes, cheese and some bread. I forgot to go food shopping! I cursed myself in my head. Then I heard that all familiar knock at my door.

'Open up you bitch!'

Miles Kane.

'Alright, Alright you impatient bastard' I mumbled under my breath, unlocking my front door and letting him in.

'Hey Mia!' he said embracing me into a hug, then he held me at arms length. 'Well this is certainly an improvement from this morning you don't look like a scruff anymore' he chuckled at me.

'oh shut up' I said slapping him across his chest. 'no, no you look amazing Mia!' he said trying to win me back. I chose to ignore him and started collecting my things together into my bag, Phone, Keys, Money.

'Alright lets go then' I said turning to my best friend.

Then it was my turn to stop and stare at him, I looked him up and down. Miles had always been into crazy fashion, with bold colours and clashing patterns ever since we met at 14. Tonight he was wearing monochrome zig zag jeans, a black tight fitted t-shirt, black boots and a leather jacket with a chain necklace.

'Wa ya lookin' at?' he said in his scouse accent

I shook my head, grinning.

'Oh nothing, come on let's go'

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