-Chapter 3-

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-Chapter 3-

I awoke to the sound of a hoover. I stretched out yawning. Wait. What did I just hit? My eyes shot open, I was tangled between bodies, lying only on the carpet, dressed in only my blouse from last night, the smell of alochol and sweat filling my nose as I began to awake.

My naked leg was wrapped around two different mens legs. Oh shit. Somebody had hold of me from behind, their arms wrapped tightly around my waist I tried to crane my neck to see who it was but I was too frightened I'd end up waking them up and then have to deal with the embarrasing trauma of trying to explain. I gave up and tried to figure out who's back was crushed up agaisnt my front, their legs entangled in mine too, and lets just say our bodies were extremely pressed up close together. My head ached, oh great another hang over. I was just getting over the one from yesterday! Oh god yesterday. What even happened? I froze as the body behind me started to move. Shit, shit, crap, crap, oh my god. I tensed. The body stopped and soft heavy breathing started again, phew! I breathed a sigh of releif as I suddenly recognised the fimilar brown mop head who was lying infront of me. Miles. Okay so Miles was lying next to me but who was behind me? The curiousity was killing me. I looked down to see if I could figure out whos arms or hands they were but no such luck. I might as well give up seems I can't move from the tight grasp around my waist, my shirt had ridden up so my knickers were exposed to the world. Oh great and not only that but we had to crash next to the wall window so the whole of bloody Sheffield can come gaze at the spectacular sight. I laid still for a while, listening to my heart pound from anxiety. I kind of enjoyed being all cuddled up, even though I didn't know who by, it still felt nice to be pressed up agaisnt somebody and feel wanted and warm...

I have to get up. I need to get out. I can't stand going through the embarrasment of when they wake up and see me half dressed and looking like a wreck. I slowly slipped my body upwards avoiding kicking Miles in the back. I wriggled gently until the person behind me hands loosend. I grabbed my chance and quickly shot upwards. I jumped up with such enthusiasm I fell backwards onto the black leather beanbag. Oh no. I froze, eying every space of the living area to see if anyone had woken up. Nobody stirred. I got up and eyed the mess. Sprawled out on the carpet were Miles who still had a beer bottle in his hand and was missing one sock, then the space where I had lay which had a wine stain on one of the white rugs and a puddle of some sort of clear liquid on the floor. Probably vodka. Then now clutching the empty space lay Alex Turner...

I stiffenend, oh no how could I of ended up spooning Alex?!

I examined the rest of the damage around the apartment. I tip toed into the kitchen this had the worst mess of all: the fridge was left open with something dripping out of it, all the kitchen work tops were covered in fallen over bottles of different drinks, crumbs and an over flowing ash tray full of cigarettes bunts. I glanced towards the sink which was full of some sort of fizzy liquid, Matt lay face down shirtless on the breakfast bar one of his feet hooked around the kitchen stool, he was surrounded by a mess. I carried on treading through the disaster. How could 6 people make this much mess in one night? I started to head out of the kitchen area when I saw piles of broken glass scattered on the kitchen tiles. I wondered where Jamie and Nick had got to, as well as my missing jeans... Thank God my chiffon blouse was quite loose fitted and slightly over sized otherwise I would be showing my ass cheeks off to the world. I started making my way back to the living room, right, find jeans, boots and handbag and get OUT OF HERE I told myself. I stood in the living room scanning the possible places where my jeans could be, why where they even off anyways? oh my god I hope nothing happened between me and any of the boys. Shit. Suddenly I spotted my jeans crumpled up in the corner of the sofa. I bent over to pull them from down the side of the sofa as I was bent over I felt a hand twang at the black lace on my underwear. I shot round ready to slap whoever it was.

'For fucks sake Miles!' I whispered trying to sound mad, dropping my hand.

'Nice' Miles said standing behind me grinning foolishly.

'Piss off you pervert, I need to get out of here' I strained, slapping his hand away tugging at my jeans once more they came free, I pulled them on and fastened the button. Now where did I put my bag..?

'Why?' He asked scratching the back of his head.

I pushed Miles out of the way and carried on searching for it, I hadn't checked the hall by the door yet so I went to have a look and low and behold there sat my black, heeled, vintage chelsea boots and my black handbag. I pulled my boots on and grabbed my bag making sure everything was in there, check. Then I stopped and walked into their bathroom, And looked in the mirror my neck had a purplish rash type thing sitting just below my jaw. Please don't be a love bite, please I prayed silently to myself, my hair was suprising in an okay condition probably because I blow dried it curly the night before, and well my face, lets just say panda eyes and smudged lipstick is the new fashion. I tried licking my finger tips and wiping them under my eyes but it just smudged it even more. As I was looking in the mirror I noticed something from the corner of my eye. I stopped and stared at the reflection of the bath...Nick was fast asleep in the bath! I clamped my hand over mouth from stopping myself my screaming, his legs were hanging out of the bath and his head was slumped forward his long hair covering his face.

'Nick?' I said cautiously. No answer.

I stumbled back into the living room trying not to make loud noises in my heeled boots. Jamie was now stretched out one of the sofas snoring loudly. Miles was pacing round the room eating a packet of peanuts munching loudly and gazing out the window.

'Miles!' I hissed. He turned around bewildered. 'Where did he come from?' I asked gesturing towards the unconscious Jamie.

'Oh he's been in the bedroom all night' Miles said casually shrugging his shoulders. I shook my head exasperated 'I'm getting off inabit you'.

'Wait! Why? I'll give you a lift later' Miles said confused.

'No you can't, I'll get a cab or a bus or something, where are we exactly?' I asked realising I had no idea were this apartment was, I turned to walk out the door.

Miles stepped over Alex who was still asleep on the floor and grabbed my arm pulling me back to face him not letting me leave. He laughed 'oh come on Mia, you don't even know were you are let me give you a lift at least why are you so bothered anyway? You were fine getting a lift here'.

'Miles look it's nothing to do with you, I'm just rather freaked out as I don't know any of the boys here yet I wake up this morning not being able to remember a thing from last night part dancing with you an Alex! Also wearing no trousers and having a three way spooning session!' I sat down on the one of the arms of the arm chairs and held my head in my hands. 'Oh my god what even happened last night? Did I sleep with anyone?' I looked up at Miles with a panic stricken expression. 'Miles..?'

Miles met my eye contact 'no , no, no! Of course you didn't! Did you think I'd even let you? God no'.

'Oh thank goodness' I exhaled. Then panic starting bubbling inside me again. 'Then explain this!' I said ripping my shirt collar open and exposing the purple splodge that has formed on my neck.

Miles calm facial expression slowly turned into embarrassment, his face was crimson and he was looking down at his feet in dismay.

'No, no Miles please tell me you didn't!' I said in a hushed tone trying not to wake the rest of the boys.

'I'm sorry! I'm so sorry you couldn't even stand up straight and I had to sit you down on the sofa, you were completely pissed Mia you didn't even know who I was, then you started telling me that you loved me and then started getting all up close to me an I didn't know what to do!' Miles explained in a rush.

I dropped my head back In my hands and sat properly in the arm chair. How could I be kissing my best friend for gods sake? Now I have a love bite of my best friend, I never thought I'd think this but I'd rather it be off one of the others then it could Just be blamed on a drunken party but no.

'But Miles why?' I asked still keeping my embarrassed face in my hands. Silence. I looked up. 'Miles?'

He shrugged. Still looking at his feet.
'I'm going for a fag' he mumbled then he turned and walked out into the balcony. I sighed and stood up. What am I supposed to do now? I feel bad for just leaving especially because of the mess we've made also I couldn't leave the situation between me and Miles like this. Oh for gods sake. I looked over at Jamie and Alex they were still out for the count. That left one option only. I tottered back into the kitchen unit and stepped over the mess to the breakfast bar. There still laid the unconscious, topless Matt Helders. I walked up closer and poked his upper arm.

'Matt?' I whispered.

No answer.

'Matt?' I hissed slightly louder.

Still no answer.

'Matt wake up!!!' I said shoving him.

He mumbled something incoherent. I carried on bugging him until he opened both his eyes.

'What?' He grumbled.

'Finally, morning or more like afternoon it's half 2!' I said

'Five more minutes...' He said closing his eyes.

'no Matt please wake up the whole apartment is a mess and I woke up half naked and I've got a love bite and I feel awkward an I want to go home an I've got a really bad hangover an I think I'm going to be sick an I think miles hates me and I was spooning Alex an I feel really embarrassed, just help me!' I babbled out in a fast paced rush my scouse accent taking over.

He opened both his eyes and sat up causing the mess that lay around him to spill onto the floor. He yawned and cocked an eye brow at me. 'Spooning and love bites hey?'

'Ugh!' I started to walk away flustered.

'Hey wait! - jeeze the apartment really is a tip - Mia!' I heard matt climb from the breakfast and wade through the mess of bottles and crumbs on the kitchen floor. I turned around near tears.

'Hey, look it's fine we've had bigger parties with bigger messes, and this isn't even our apartment our first day of our UK tour starts in a couple of days, our manager rented this one for a week coz we've got a little gig tomorrow in our home town hence why were in Sheffield' matt explained. I calmed slightly about the mess but in the back of my mind all I could think about was Alex and Miles.

'Do you think Alex, Nick or Jamie will be able to remember anything from last night?' I asked trying to act discreet.

He shrugged, 'probs not all of it but they'll probably be able to remember as much as me and you can! I'm still tryin' to work out how I ended up without me shirt!'

We both looked at each other and stopped for a split second then burst out in a shaky laughter.

'Oh God what am I even doing? I've never ever met any of youse in my life and this is the craziest weekend I've ever had of my life. I'm never drinking EVER again.' I sighed.

Matt laughed, 'Get used to it babe! this is pretty normal/average for a typical Arctics night, anyway come on lets go face the other zombies eh?'

I moaned 'do we have too?' I grinned as he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me towards the disaster in the living room. 'What do you mean 'Arctics'?' I said looking up at him.

'Oh, it's the name of our band 'Arctic Monkeys'' he said casually. We entered the living room an matt left my side.


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