Max drives to the hospital, staying only a few miles above the legal limit, and arrives just minutes before his shift begins. Parking in his designated spot -close to the entrance, but not a handicapped one, Max was very adamant about that- he wonders how long his shift will be today. He's pulled 12 and even 16 hour shifts, but that's only because his bum knee can't handle any longer. And, Capable -Cape to him- won't let him stay clocked in until he's a caffeinated zombie.

Getting out of the car, he grabs his bag and heads into the hospital.

Then, just as he is heading through the ER and up to the staff room, a gurney crashes into his knee. Max lets out a surprised grunt, but manages to steady himself quickly.

Glancing up at the surprised paramedics, he tries not to think about how, last year, being hit by something, or even bumping into something, would have dropped him from the pain.

The paramedics, young men in the designated uniforms and black boots, apologize profusely, only stopping when Max shrugs it off and moves out of the way.

He only makes it a few steps before a hoarse voices calls out, "sorry, doc!"

Turning, Max makes eye contact with the man on the gurney.

The man, if he can even count as that since he looks so young, is a mess of blood and bruises, scars around his mouth stretching when he smiles at Max.

Nodding at the young man, Max turns to the paramedics, saying, "when you're done with him, I'm gonna need that boot."

Walking to the elevator banks, Max feels the heat rising in his face, wonders briefly if he is dying, before realizing that no, he isn't dying, he's blushing.

Pushing the button and slumping against the elevator walls once the doors close, Max closes his eyes and whispers, "shit."

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