Part 3

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I was here .. My heart thumping everytime I took a step down his garden path . It seemed a bit quite, did I have the right house ? Anyway , I still walked up the path . It seemed like I was stood outside the door for 10 minutes till I finally had the guts to knock . The door quickly opened , Russell stood there in a top and jeans.

"Hey Jodie , you ok ? Glad you could make it "

"Hey , I thought you were having a party ? "

"Um yeh I kind of lied about that , I just wanted you to come round "

Of course I didn't care , a night with my crush . It sounds perfect. We went and sat down on his sofa .

"Hey you want a drink ? "

"Sure , ill have a coke if you have it and maybe some vodka in it ? "

Russell came back with my drink and a beer for him . I felt butterflies going crazy in my stomach as he sat next to me and put his arm around me .

"Um Jodie , I don't know how to say this but I must confess I have fancied you all throughout school, you are so pretty ."

We gazed in each others eyes for a minute untill I felt his lips touch mine . I felt my lips tingling . This is what I have dreamed of all my life. Russell here , with me . We headed upstairs ...

It was like someone fast forwarded time . It was morning already . I woke up with Russell lying beside me. He looked so dreamy as he slept . He then opened his eyes as I stared at him .

" I love you so much Jodie " he said to me.

Teenage NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now