Part 5

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No . No this couldn't be happening right now . F**k , what do I do. Abortion ? Keep it ? No . Argghhh . I feel the anxiety building up , drowning me so I am unable to breath . I don't know what to do . If my dad found out , he would literally kill me. Un able to think , I rang Russell .

"Russell , its Jodie , I dont know what to do . I'm pregnant"

"Omg Jodie how did this happen , I am so stupid . I should have used protection ."

I put the phone down . I couldn't think straight . I walked into my room , dumping the test at the bottom of my wardrobe . Thinking maybe I could sort this out in the morning , I crawled into bed.

Positive , Positive . That's all I could hear in my head as a tossed and turned . It all turned black in my mind . A spotlight turned on , my father was stood in the glow of the light . I could see him walking towards me , an angry look took over his face . Something was listening in his hand . A knife . He got closer and closer .

"No , no , no ,NO ,NO!"

"Jodie Jodie wake up your having a nightmare "

It all suddenly stopped , I opened my eyes to see my father sat next to me . It all came out , I started crying and I couldn't stop it .

" Jodie , what's wrong ? "

I couldn't keep it quite any longer

"I'm pregnant !" I sobbed into my pillow .

Teenage NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now