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As the stadium erupted into shrieking squeals and yells, I had to cringe. Jesus these girls were loud!

"Ohmygod, just look at them!" I turned my head and saw Brooke, her eyes were brimming with excited tears and she was practically panting.

"Brooke, babes, you need to calm down! They are just normal people like yo-"

"Okay, this first song goes out to all you beautiful girls. Some of you don't realize you're beautiful but that's what makes you beautiful."

Unbelievably, the screams just got louder as the curly haired member introduced their first song. Just as quickly a beat began and an athletic boy began singing.

"You're insecure, don't know what for-"

The entire stadium began singing along and I just awkwardly stood there, not knowing what to do. This is why I didn't want to come. I was so out of place as the thousands of fangirls sang along.


The concert continued on and the boys sang more and more songs. On some I would sing along to the chorus and I had to admit that they weren't awful. In no way was I a fan but they had a nice sound.

After singing even more songs all five of the band members made their way to the front of the stage and sat, dangling their legs.

"This is our last song of the night! Thank you guys so much for all the love and support you have given us. Without you we wouldn't be where we are today!" The blonde boy with the Irish accent spoke and the girls around me were all but drooling, including Brooke- pathetic!

A soft melody started playing and the dark skinned boy with the raven hair brought the mic to his lips.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me, so bare this in mind it was meant to be-" the soft and sweet noise of the song continued to fill the air and everyone began sobbing quietly.

The song continued and I closed my eyes, focusing on the lyrics.

"You can't go to bed without a cup of tea and maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep-"

My eyes snapped open and I stared at the boy singing. His eyes were slightly closed and you could hear the passion in his voice as he continued.

My eyes never left his face and as he finished his solo his eyes opened and met mine, blue meeting blue. He smirked slightly and winked. The girls around us started screaming and Brooke grasped my hand.

"Oh- oh my, Louis freaking Lomlinson just winked at me! Oh my Cheyanna did you see that?

I broke eye contact with the boy I now presumed to be Louis and looked at Brooke. She had tears running down her face and her brown hair stuck to her forehead where a slight amount of sweat was. Somehow she still looked stunning.

"Yeah Brooke I saw. How exciting!" I looked away from her and rolled my eyes.

Once again the stadium pitched into screams, which brought my attention back to the stage. The boys were now standing and blowing kisses to the audience, only making the screeching louder.

After saying their goodbyes they exited the stage, marking the end of the concert. We had to wait to go backstage so in the meantime Brooke and I made our way to the merch stand.

She ended up buying a shirt, bracelet, phone case, and a copy of their new CD. I on the other hand just got a CD; I might as well get something to remember this by.

After a few more minutes the crowd began to dwindle and we made our way to a security guard. He looked down at us and gave us a genuine smile.

"Hey ladies, how many I help you?"

Temptation (Louis Tomlinson Dark Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now