We Meet Again

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Authors Note:

Hello mofos of all craziness!! Haha sooo I feel like so much has happened since I last updated......crazy right? Okay well I don't know how I feel about this chapter, I really hated it at first and ended up revising the entire thing! Hopefully it's better now, comment and tell me what you think!

Also, as promised I have BIG NEWS, are you ready? *Drum roll please*.............IM GOING TO WHERE WE ARE TOUR!!! Ahhhhhhh askdjifjfuj, okay so that was my freak out and I'm sooooo excited! Are any of you going?!? Let me know! Okay, well get on with the story and enjoy Mofos!


The next three days passed in a blur of knotted hair, messy sheets, and loads of food. Since my little epidemic with Louis fucking Tomlinson I hadn't even thought about leaving my bed. I didn't want to deal with school, civilization, and especially not Brooke.

By Thursday morning I had finally worked up the gumption to just suck up my self pity and go to school.

When my blaring alarm rang I slapped at the snooze button but missed miserably and ended up just crawling into the bathroom to get the pulsing screech out of my head. I finally stood and hesitantly looked in the mirror, immediately cringing at my hair, which was oily and plastered against my unwashed skin.

Without a second thought I slipped out of my stiff night clothes and jumped into the shower, allowing the last three days worth of stale dirt to be rinsed from my body. 15 minutes later, when I had finally decided I was clean enough, I stepped out and took a refreshing breath of air.

I quickly blow dryed and straightened my hair before putting on my make up, all withen record time. When I felt efficiently presentable I pulled on a pair of american flag shorts and a 5sos shirt, pairing them with my black Supras.

After giving myself a once over I ran down stairs and pushed my way into my kitchen. The smell of food instantly hit me and I was pleasantly surprised to see my mom there, cooking eggs and bacon.

"Hey sweetheart,  I heard the shower start and thought I would make you breakfast."

I beamed at her and pulled her into a bone crushing embrace.

"Thanks mom."

"Hey, I'm a mom! Making breakfast is in the job descri-"

"No no no, not for making breakfast. For giving me my privacy and not questioning why I've been couped up the past few days...."

I murmured the words into her neck and she hugged me tightly, rubbing her hands along my spine.

"Oh baby, I figured if you wanted me to know you would tell me."

I pulled away from her and smiled and then once again gave her a tight squeeze.

"Thank you!"

After our heart to heart moment she turned back to the food that lay half finished on the burner. I sat down on an empty bar stool and pulled out my phone.

I hadn't talked to anyone since the concert and suddenly I felt lonely. I searched through my contacts, desperate for a conversation when a single name caught my eye- Liam.

I especially didn't want to talk to him but the temptation to send him a quick message was too strong and before I even processed my actions I had a new message open and was typing in 'hey, its Cheyanna.'

I dropped my phone back down and tried to contain the speed of my beating heart, as if saved by the bell my mom dropped my food down in from of me- perfect! I focused on eating my breakfast and the absolute deliciousness that tingled my taste buds. With one final bite I finished the last of my food and dropped the plate into the sink before grabbing my bag, kissing my mom, and running out the door.

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