Chapter IX - Aila

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"Aila!" Eydís waved her arms enthusiastically as she skipped down the knoll towards the beach where Epona sat mending a fishing net, with hemp twine and a netting needle, beside Aila who stood, her fishing spear aimed carefully, ready to impale a salmon on the three wooden prongs at the end of the shaft.

Without waiting to catch her breath, Eydís threw herself into Aila's arms, uncaring of the water whelming instantly into her boots.

"What has got into you," Aila laughed.

"Ragnarr has approached my father with a marriage offer!" She bounced excitedly from one foot to the other before embracing Aila again. "I cannot believe that I shall be marrying the most handsome man in the north; and the best warrior, besides Harald!"

Aila's smile faltered somewhat as she beheld Epona's blackening countenance, but quickly masked her hesitation and positioned herself so that Eydís' back was turned to Epona's malignant glare. She was all too aware of her slave's detestation for Ragnarr and Harald. Although she had endeavored conciliating the woman, there was naught to be done but that she should keep Epona busy and out of her husband's way. There was no tincture, no earthly curative, that would ever ameliorate the virulent odium she harbored for the brothers...and all their warriors alike.

"You deserve to be happy, my friend, and if Ragnarr will secure it for you, then I am glad of it." Aila carefully avoided glancing back at Epona.

"You are not disappointed?"

"Why should I be!" Aila's brows arched in confusion.

"I know Ragnarr favored you at one time..."

"Eydís," Aila sighed patiently, taking the younger woman's face in her hands, "I have conceived no feelings whatever for Ragnar and nor shall I ever. No more than those of a filial nature."

"You are sure you do not-"

Epona's derisive snort instantly suspended Eydís' query, drawing two pairs of eyes, one set irritable and the other furious, to settled over the thrall's stony demeanor. Aila's brows lowered at the irksome outlander, but the warmth in Eydís' glare was imbued with bile and effrontery.

"Speak, slave! I would hear what you would say!"

"Eydís leave her be-"

"No! I am sick to death of your always defending the little whore!" Then, turning to face Epona, Eydís commanded her to speak. "You have something to say; I give you leave to say it!"

Epona ignored Aila's silent entreaty and stood so that she was eye level with the enraged girl. "Why should Aila be disappointed to have the favor of that unworthy beast devolved to you-"

The crack of Eydís' palm across Epona's face seemed to echo against the boulders and waves lapping at the shoreline, but the slave girl did naught but smile her contempt, inciting her attacker to raise her hand again. Aila, taking hold of her young friend's wrist, urged her away from Epona as the two antagonists continued to glower at one another.

"If you speak to me again, even in greeting, I shall have you skinned and your carcass fed to the pigs!" Eydís screamed.

"Enough!" Aila forcibly turned the girl's face away from Epona and coaxed her back whence she came. "I shall talk to her. You will not suffer her irreverence again." But Eydís whirled around and, glaring between the both of them, spat on the ground in disgust.

"You will beat her now, Aila," she commanded. "I wish to watch."

However, Aila shook her head emphatically. "I said I will speak to her; now go."

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