Drunk (Star-Crossed Preview)

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Warning: Spoilers for Star-Crossed future chaps! You have been warned.

I intercepted the shot before it touched her lips. She threw me a glare before she signaled the bartender for another one.

The moment the glass hit the bar, she snagged it with one hand while the other slapped me on my chest hard enough to make my breath leave for a moment. Damn, this lady packs a punch.

She slammed the glass on the bar before licking her lips.

"Hab ein Problem?" She slurred. I've been watching her all night and she sure drinks hard. Kahit ako hindi makikipaglaban ng inuman sa kaniya. Puro hard pa ang inoorder niya. Pinasadahan ko ng tingin ang kaniyang katawan.

Saan kaya niya nilalagay yung iniinom niya?

Mapungay na ang kaniyang mga mata. I checked my watch and saw that it's nearly 3AM. Ang aga niya nagsimulang uminom, pasado alas-singko lang. She didn't even had anything to eat aside from some peanuts and barbecue – puro pulutan.

"C'mon lady, let's go."

"Warum sie? Wieso nicht ich?"

"It's gonna be okay," I told her kahit hindi ko naiintindihan ang sinasabi niya. Now I know, kapag nalalasing pala siya nag-ge-German siya. Another bit of information that I can tuck in on my memory. She tried to stand and push me away but she had too much to drink. Pinapalis niya ang mga kamay ko pero wala nang lakas ang kanyang pagtulak.

"Rühr mich nicht an."

Damn. Sobrang lasing na kaya binuhat ko na siya. Hindi na siya nakalaban kasi knock-out na pala. I guess I'll spend my night with a drunken princess. The thought didn't appeal to me one bit.

Damn Ali.

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