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Warm skin. Velvety soft across hard planes of toned muscles. Relaxed breaths washing over skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.

I lifted my fingers to trace the thick lashes framing his beautiful eyes. I couldn't resist. He looked so vulnerable and every inch the prince I know he is. His throat moved to swallow just as his lips twitched. Lips that worshiped me last night. The images sent heat pooling on my stomach. He moaned and buried his face in the crook of my neck. I don't want him to wake up yet. His warmth draped over my body feels heavy but comforting. 

Soft light set the light curtains aglow. I could hear the chirping of birds outside. Maybe later we would have a picnic beneath one of the enormous trees we saw yesterday. Another perfect day.

Another day to fall in love with him all over again.

When I think about the way we met and the things that we went through, I thank the higher power for giving me the chance to experience the love I have for this man. He could have been taken from me and I could have been taken from him, but God gave us this chance. We are the lucky ones.

Lucky to have found each other. Lucky to be able to love freely and without doubt. Lucky to be alive to express that love. 

I brush the stray strands of hair on his brow. He wrinkled his nose before his eyelids slowly fluttered open. A lazy smile slowly stretched from his lips.

"Good morning wife," he said in a husky whisper. I smiled before reaching out and kissing his forehead. He closed his eyes with a smile on his face. I would never get tired of watching his relaxed face, his eyes that make me feel like there is no where he'd want to be but at my side.

"Good morning, A." 


Hahaha! XD 

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