Open When... You are lonely

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Dear Boyfriend,

Hun, as long as you are with me you are never alone. Loneliness should not exist in your vocabulary as long as you're dating me. If you do get waves of loneliness, I don't think I'm doing my job correctly. There's only one main requirement that I won't rest until I complete which is to make you completely happy with me and with our relationship. If you've had to open this letter so quickly, I'm doubting my abilities as a girlfriend. I remind you a million trillion times that I'm always going to be there when you need me. I constantly tell you that you aren't alone. I mention to you that the loneliness is temporary, and sooner or later, I'll be able to wake up to my wonderful husband every day. I provide you with my company when I can. When I can't, I let my heartwarming phone calls and sweet texts be a replacement for time spent together in person. Baby, since you're lonely, let me hug and kiss you and show you all of my affection. Let me wrap my arms around you and feel your warmth. If you're cold, let me share and provide you with some of my warmness. Let me kiss your sweet and gentle lips. Let me kiss your soft cheeks and give you strong tingles that will last. Let me expose my emotions and my tenderness and shower you with my precious affection that you desire so much. You have me for all eternity. I'm always here. You will never be alone, not on my watch. You have your crazy wifey over here that would do anything and everything for you. Leaving you is as possible as the impossible. Okay? Smile now. You look more handsome with that smile. There you goooo hun. If you're all smiles, then I'm all smiles. Now I need you to do something for me. Look through the bag I gave you with the funny Christmas wrapping and find the awkwardly shaped gift that has the number 6 on it. Open it. I know I may not be in your presence currently, but I hope this will make you feel loved and keep you company. Enjoy this thoughtful present, from a caring and loving future wife to her amazing and perfect future husband.

*chocolate scented teddy bear

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