Chapter 1

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Mitch's POV

For as long as I can remember my life has been under my control. I've always had perfect grades. I know exactly how I want my life to go, and until now there was nothing in my way. Ever since I was young I've wanted to be a music producer. I want to one day have my own recording company. I will start out as an intern and work my way up, eventually I will leave to start my own label. I want to go to school at Berklee College of Music.


It was the first day of school after winter break in mid January. I couldn't have been more excited to go back to school, I missed my best friend Kirstie so much. She was in Australia and I wasn't able to talk to her during break. I was surprised to see her waiting at my locker when I got to it.

"Hey Mitchie!" She exclaimed as I walked over

"Hey! How was Australia?"

"Great, you ready for first period?"

"Oh am I?"

We walked to first period. We sat in our normal seats at the front of class.

"Good morning and welcome back!" Our teacher announced before he began to teach us our lesson for the day.

Scott's POV

First days are scary, especially in a new school, and in the middle of the year. Moving to a different state is definitely scary. I lived with my family in Arlington Texas, but my dad got a great job offer in Los Angeles, so we moved. I loved my life in Arlington, and miss all of my friends, but sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the other people in our families, even if it means leaving your life and friends behind.


My mom and I walked into the school and found our way to the principal's office.

"Hello, you must be Scott," He greeted me "I'm Mr. Wanye. Nice to meet you. Are you Scott's mom, Connie?"


"You can fill this out in the waiting area while I talk to Scott"

"Alright, by Scott, you'll do great!"

"Thanks mom"

"Now Scott, welcome to our school. From what I've seen from your grades this year you look like a good student, is that true?"

"Yes sir"

"Great, I will have one of our best students come show you the ropes"

Mitch's POV

"Mitchell Grassi please report to the principal's office" I heard the principal say over the loudspeaker.

Was I in trouble? Did someone die? A million different things were running through my head at once as I got up, gathered my stuff, and walked to the principal's office.

"Hi, I'm Mitch Grasssi"

The woman at the front desk pointed to Mr. Wanye's door. I entered slowly to find a tall blonde guy sitting in one of the chairs.

"Hello Mitchell. This is Scott, he is new here. I was wondering if you could show him the ropes?"

"I'd love to"


Lunch time rolled around. We dropped our stuff at our lockers and headed over to the cafeteria. Once we got there we got on the long lunch line.

"Mitchie!" Kirstie yelled when she saw me and ran over.

"Hey!" I said as she practically ran into me when she hugged me

"Sorry. How'd it go with Wanye?"

"He gave me a human"

Her eyes grew wide

"I'm joking, this is Scott. He's new"

"So you weren't in trouble, I was wondering what you could be in trouble for"

"Did you come up with anything good?"

"Just that you are too perfect for the school"

"Thanks, Kirst"

"No problem. Get your food and meet me at our usual table. Bring Scott along" she said before running off with her food.

We got our food and sat at the usual table. I finally got a chance to look at Scott. He had beautiful blue eyes, and gorgeous blonde hair. He was very tall and good looking.


"So the new kid," Kirstie said as we walked to my house from the bus stop

"What about him?"

"He's kinda hot, what do you think robot?" Robot is her nickname for me because I don't really show my emotions or feelings towards anyone, but she does know I am gay.

I rolled my eyes "I don't have time for this"

"You like Scott" she sang "you like Scott, you like Scott"

"Stop it you're acting like a 5 year old"

"Maybe I'm a 5 year old trapped it a 17 year olds body" she joked as she ran up to my room.

"Well, we met when we were 5 and you haven't changed that much..." was all I was able to say before she started to tickle me. "Stop it!"

"Not until you admit that you like Scott"

"I'm not sure if I do. I'd need to get to know him better"

"Alright, I'll give you a week"

"Thank you, now can we please do our work?"

"You're no fun robot"

"Whatever. As long as I fulfill my dreams I don't care if I'm not fun"

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