Chapter 10

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Mitch's POV

I walked into school Monday morning worried about things between Scott and I. Kirstie wasn't feeling great so she decided she wasn't going to come to school today.

"Hi" someone said as they tapped my shoulder. I turned around to find Kirstie.

"I thought you were sick..."

"I am"

"Then why are you here"

"I wanted to apologize"

"You don't have to"

"No, Mitch, I do. I was a total bitch. Not only did I leave you when you asked me to sleep over, but I called Scott to make sure you were okay"

"Wait, you did what!?"

"I called him. I felt so bad leaving you, but I couldn't go back. It would look bad. I figured you would call Scott since you didn't want to be alone. He told me you guys kissed. I also should've respected your privacy more. You wouldn't tell me something and there must've been a reason. I was so selfish and felt like I needed to know, when really it wasn't my business. You would tell me when you were ready. I know that. I'm so sorry"

"I accept your apology. Kirst, you should really go home if you aren't feeling well"

"I'm feeling well enough"

"Really. You don't sound great"

"I feel fine"

"Are you sure"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. You ready for first period?"

"I guess"

"What's bothering you?"

"Did you get in trouble?"

"For what?"

"Leaving me"

"Yeah. But I deserved it"

"What was your punishment?"

"Grounded for a month. Unless I'm with you"

"If you want me to go out places with you so you can, then I will"

"Aww that's so sweet, but I'm not gonna take that this time. I deserve the punishment"

"Alright. Let's go to class"


We sat at lunch and by this point Kirstie really didn't look good.

"Kirst, are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, sure"

"Kirst, please go check yourself out and go home. I'm only saying this because I care about you. I've seen you when you're sick and by now I know when you are. Please go home and take care of yourself"

"I-I just can't."

"Kirst, you're sick. Please, just go home."

"But I need to be here"

"And why is that?"

"It's a very special day for us"

"And that is?"

"Think about it. It wasn't a very happy day, but a day I'll never forget"

"They first time no one was home for me. The day I needed you that most. 10 years ago?"


"Wow. 11 years. That's a long time. Is that the only reason?"


"Now will you go home. For me?"


"We both know that's best"

"Jeremy" she said quietly

"What about him?"

"I kinda promised him something today"

"What's more important, that thing or your health"

"My health"

"Right. Now go home"



I quickly got my food and found Scott sitting by himself at lunch so I went and sat with him.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late. I had to convince Kirstie to go home. She's pretty sick, but was here because she promised Jeremy something, but her health is more important and I was able to convince her to go home"

"So things are good between you two?"

"Yeah. Thanks"

"For what?"

"Answering when she called you. Telling hey what happened. Spending the night with me"

"I couldn't imagine anything different"

Scott closed the small space between us by gently pressing his lips against mine. I loved the way it felt, the way he makes me feel, how safe I feel when I'm around him, his gorgeous blue eyes and blonde hair, and the way I can't back down or shut him out even if I tried.

Kirstie's POV

"Honey, he's a good thing" I said to Mitch over the phone for what felt like the millionth time.

"But what if-"

"Honey, just because you have a boyfriend doesn't mean you won't get into the college you want to. You have the grades and millions of extracurriculars. Trust me. He will only do good. He cares to much to hurt you"

"I know" he sighed "but what if it becomes too much?"

"It's Scott we're talking about. He won't let that happen. He will go at your pace, no matter how slow. He just wants what's best for you"

"Okay. Maybe going out with him isn't such a bad thing"

"It will be amazing. Just please don't shut him out or go all robot on him. Please. I care about him too. I don't want to see Scott destroyed because you shut him out of went all robot on him. That will only hurt you in the future"

"I will be extra careful this time. I promise"

"Thank you"

"Are you feeling any better?"

"Not really. Thank you for forcing me to go home. I don't think I'll be in school tomorrow. Can you come by my place tomorrow to get the book for Jeremy?"

"Yeah of course"

"Thank you"

"No problem. Now get some rest. Love ya"

"Love you too"

I say on my bed for a half an hour watching tv before there was a knock on my window. I looked over and saw Mitch standing on my balcony. He had blood dripping down his face and body. I ran out brought him inside and took him to the hospital.

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