Is this the end of Jack?

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Hello my fans! :) haha so the story is almost at an end, I mean I think there's still like 5 more but hey, that's sad! lol well comment and vote! Thanks again! :)

Austin's POV

Sofia's eyes got wide every person that walkes by made her jump up and check if it was Jack. I know I should have been worried but all I could feel was fury, why did she care so much about him? I sighed for about the 30th time today as she got up and checked.
"Aren't you worried about him?" She asked her eyes welling with tears again. I didn't answer her but wrapped my arms around her waist as she put her head in the crook of my neck and sighed tears trickling down her face. she hugged my waist tightly and sobbed silently.

Jack's POV

I got into my car and a voice spoke telling me the time was 10:57pm. I started up the car and pulled out from my parking place and looked up one last time to see Sofia holding a phone to her ear and Austin patting her leg, trying to comfort her. My phone vibrated from my bag but I let it go. I was about to let everything go. I pulled onto the highway and sped down it going to the one place I wanted to rest in peace.

Sofia's POV

"Why would he do this?" My eyes were flooded with tears as I whispered to Austin.
"I don't know."
"Do you know where he would be?" I ask
"You wouldn't go after him if I told you, would you?"
"Why can't I?" I asked pouting.
"The doctor said you can't go anywhere until you have been here for 24 hours after you fainted!"
"How much longer then?" I asked annoyed.
"About 6 more hours." Austin answered glancing at his watch.
"Hello Ms.Hill." I noded a hello.
"Well your free to go, just next time, please drink more water before going for such a run."
"I-I can go?!" I asked in surprise
"Yes why?" The doctor asked.
"I thought I was supposed to be in here for 24-"
"Maybe you recovered quicky."
"24 hours? Oh Ms.Hill, who told you that?"
"Austin..." I said getting out of his grasp and staring at him in confusion.
"Erm...I just..."
"I'll leave you two alone..." The doctor said placing the papers down and running out quickly.
"Why would you lie to me?!" I asked annoyed.
"I um... didn't want you to go after him."
"What's the worst that could happen?" I asked
"He'll be close to you and you could get hurt...hes done this before and his last girlfriend wasn't too lucky."
"Bye Austin." I said not even listening to what he had said. I signed some papers and ran out hailing a cab. I have to go find my boyfriend.

Jack's POV

My hands curled around my steering wheel making them white as I took a deep breath. I need to leave this world, I mean Sofia is obviously in love with Austin, why did I think our relationship would last?

Sofia's POV

I hopped into the cab and realized I had no clue where I was going.
"Where to Ms?" The man asked.
"Go to the overview cliff." I looked up in surprised to see Austin hopping in. "And step on it." He said as I gave him a relieved smile and he returned me with a sad smile. We took off and in about 45 minutes saw Jack's car. I had been snuggling into Austin when we stopped with a jolt. Jack was still in his car and looked as though he was about to plunge her car right over the cliff. Austin threw 250 bucks to the cab driver while I hopped out and ran to his car yelling his name.
"Jack! JACK!" I yelled again, he turned his head as though in slow motion and his eyes blinked, pushing the tears away that we're forming in his eyes. "Jack don't!" I yelled again letting out a small sob.
"Hey Jack! Jack, man please don't do this." Austin said putting a hand on my shoulder as hecame up behind me. Jack shook his head and turned his head. I took a step toward his car and Jack inched his car up a little.
"Jack! Oh Jack please! You are my best friend, please please don't do this!" I yelled as a helicopter came from overhead putting a spot light on Jack's car.
"Sir! Please do not go ahead with this." A man called down to Jack fron the helicopter. Jack shook his head and started inching forward again.

Jack's POV

This is it. I wont have to feel this pain ever again.
"JACK!" Sofia yelled again, she kept yelling my name, tears welled in my eyes. "Jack please, please don't!"
"Jack don't do this man, Jack please just step out of the car." Austin said and my tears turned to anger as my face turned red with fury. I made up my mind, and put my foot on the gas.

Austin's POV

It was like slow motion. Jack put his foot on the gas and moved forward slowly and Sofia rushed forward. Her hands grasped air as Jack's car tilted forward and flew down to the cliff's bottom below. I stood in a trance as police and rescuers started ruahing toward Jack's car. Sofia calapsed in tears which brought me back to the moment.

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