we're the real teenage mutant ninja turtles

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B: who wants to watch the tmnt movie with me???

A: if it's the michael bay version then no

L: :-( that one is pretty good in my opinion

A: not judging just saying it wasn't all that for me

C: I have to agree with him

M: I'm in if it means being lazy and eating snacks for 2 hours

B: cal and ash just join us for christssake

C: if you could be more polite when asking that'd be great thank you

B: I invited y'alls from the start and I can just as easily univite your ungrateful ass

M: harsh but well deserved

C: t(-.-t)

A: fine I'm in

A: besides those turtles are our true spirit animals

M: plot twist we're the real teenage mutant ninja turtles

C: just bc of that statement I'll join in

B: yayaya teenage meenage neetle teetles :)))

M: tf is wrong with you child

B: Becca has removed Michael from the group chat*

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