Chapter 6

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Song of the Chapter: "Empire (Let Them Sing)" by Bring Me The Horizon

Vic's POV

Time Lapse: Two Weeks

Josh hadn't stopped crying in days.

Oli and I were locked in solitary confinement for about a week, and a mere two days after we were allowed back with the rest of Cellblock D, Oliver was taken to the electric chair. The whole block had known that his execution was coming, but Josh was the only one who he had told the exact date to. It was difficult to keep track of time in the penitentiary, but the entire night before Oli left us for good, we all heard Josh's sobs and Oliver desperately trying to quiet him. I'd never imagined Oliver as someone that people could grow attached to, but Caleb told me that he and Josh had been friends since they were teenagers.

"Do you think he'll be okay soon?" Beau asked quietly at breakfast. Josh had been excused from common time with us for the fourth day in a row; Carlile brought his meals to his cell, and as far as I knew, he hadn't even left to take a shower.

"Hopefully. I've actually been wondering if he and Oli had some sort of romantic relationship," Jeremy mused aloud.

"I would believe it. I mean, I've had my share of friends get killed, but even I wasn't this broken up," Jesse put in, causing Kellin to duck his head awkwardly at his insinuation.

"I bet Warden Ashby would let him move in with you. Since you don't have a cellmate, and then he wouldn't have to be alone in the room he shared with Oliver," Craig suggested. We all nodded our agreement.

"Fine by me. I'll ask them later when we go out for trash privileges," Jesse told us.

"Is Josh going to that with us?" I asked. we all exchanged glances warily. It meant more work for us if Josh stayed back, but none of us wanted to be insensitive enough to say so.

"Probably not. We could maybe convince him to come to the rec room tonight though. It's our turn for the TV, it might get his mind off Oli," Kellin said, breaking the tension.

"Yeah, we can try. So, let's go ahead and get Carlile to take us so we can start before it gets too hot out," Caleb concluded. We dumped our trash, and Cellblock D was soon on the bus to the outskirts of the city on that hot summer day, sans Josh.


"Is that what I think it is?" Jesse asked in a half-whisper about forty-five minutes until lunch break. I looked over to the brick wall of a building at the very end of the city where he pointed, and my breath caught sharply in my throat. I glanced at Warden Ashby, but he appeared to be engrossed in a pile of paperwork. I stepped closer to the flyer to get a better view.

"Free Kellin Quinn!"

"Informational protest held at Fish & Kean Legal Services."

"Take a stand to save an innocent life."

Below the bold print were small print with information for the meeting and 3 photos of Kellin; a photo of him with his parents, him singing with his garage band; and in the middle, his mugshot showing tears in his ocean-colored eyes.

"You did it. You fucking did it," Jesse breathed in amazement. All of the tabs with times and dates had been torn off the flyer by passer-byers. I squinted to see Craig a ways down the road; he too was inquisitively studying something attached to a different building.

Mike had done it. The community had heard, and they wanted to help.

"What the hell is this?" Warden Ashby's voice startled me from my triumphant train of thought. I still stood dumbly, my mouth agape but speechless.

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