Chapter 10

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[a/n JUST TO CLARIFY I do NOT have plans to write a sequel to Identity Disorder! I was just fixing some grammar errors and things. After this story, I will be writing the sequel to Resistance Is What Controls You. Also, this chapter has smut because I was in a smut writing kind of mood.]

Song of the Chapter: "A Love Like War" by All Time Low ft. Vic Fuentes

Vic's POV

"How the hell did you convince Ashby to do this for us again?" Jeremy asked, his mouth stuffed with bacon. It was Sunday brunch again, and Warden Ashby had refused to tell us why after weeks of punishments he was rewarding us so lavishly. Kellin giggled softly.

"Do you really want to know?" he inquired, sipping his usual glass of orange juice. We all leaned in eagerly and Kellin spoke in a low voice.

"I saw him making out with Officer Carlile in the hallway," Kellin whispered. The table rioted, hoots and hollers echoing around the cafeteria.

"No fucking way!" Beau shouted, laughing loudly at the thought of scrawny Ashby and gruff Carlile getting it on. Kellin shushed him quickly.

"Shut up! They did this for us because I agreed not to tell anyone," Kellin explained indignantly, a man of his word through and through.

"If it's getting us free waffles, I wouldn't care if they were using our handcuffs during sex after hours," Craig put in. We all laughed again, and Cellblock D resumed eating the feast we were given. It was almost the way it was before all the drama set in when we decided to save Kellin.

"So Kellin, what did your lawyer have to say the other day?" Caleb asked curiously. Kellin smiled a little half-smile.

"Mostly stuff we already knew about from all you guys' contacts. My court date is this Tuesday, and it's really a toss up as to whether the jury decides to believe me or not. We're optimistic, and it's still possible that the private investigators will find evidence to incriminate Kailey. My friend Matty was at the meeting too, so that was good. He's testifying that he saw me that night arriving after the fire had already been started," Kellin told us, the little smiling blossoming hopefully. I felt a slight pinch in my stomach seeing the way his face looked when he talked about this Matty person. For a heartbeat, I selfishly wished that I hadn't told Mike to contact him, but I took it back immediately. That man was helping Kellin get free.

"So, who exactly is this Matty guy?" I questioned, internally cursing myself for being so jealous over nothing. We had returned to our cells, and Kellin was sprawled across his bunk with a tattered novel.

"Uh, he lives next door to my- where my parents' house used to be. He's a little bit older than us, he's my best friend." My conscious mind shouted at me to not ask the stupid question I wanted to, but my mouth wasn't listening.

"Did you and him ever..." Kellin laughed a little.

"No way, Matty's like a brother to me. He's family now. Trust me, there's only one person I have those kinds of feelings for right now, and it's definitely not Matty," Kellin admitted, looking at me with an unfamiliar expression in his eyes. He scooted a bit closer to me where I sat at the end of his bunk, placing a tentative hand on my upper thigh. I could feel the nerves radiating off of him. I leaned in to kiss his tempting lips, but Warden Ashby coming into our cellblock startled me from my lustful thoughts.

"I hope you all enjoyed your little breakfast today," Warden Ashby spat, his words oozing sarcasm. There was a mean glint in his eyes. Our block stayed silent. No one knew what he meant by that. Kellin moved back away from me, and my thigh felt cold.

"I have an announcement for Mr. Quinn that I though you might all like to hear." You could've heard a pin drop in Cellblock D as we all stared at a malicious Warden Ashby expectantly. He cleared his throat and smiled a slick smile before answering our unasked question.

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