Chapter [1]

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Chapter One:

Blair Cullington

After a six and a half hour flight with crying that mostly came from Jake and no sleep since the little twirp sitting behind me decided it'd be nice to kick my chair repeatedly; it was safe to say - I needed a coffee, and stat.

Once we landed properly and had gone through security, claimed our baggs and all that jazz, I looked around for the nearest coffee shop in the Airport. I had managed to find a Dunkin Donuts near by the same way to the restrooms.

I left my mom momentarily by a few bench seats while I started heading into the direction of a coffeee infested area. The intoxicating smell of donuts and coffee beans danced through my nose and into my lungs as I patiently waited in line. The line grew shorter and shorter within minutes and it was finally my turn. I swiftly took out my debit card from my purse and faced the girl infront of me. Her blonde hair was tied in a neat pony tail and she smiled brightly at me.

"Hello, can I take your order?"

Did I mention I was always envious of pretty girls with British accents? It made everything so much...elegant. I think even swears would sound sooding with an accent like hers. One thing for sure, if I had one; I would never shut up.

"Can I get a medium iced caramel, cream and sugar please?" I asked politely as she jotted that down on her touch screen computer.

"How many sugars?" she asked while glancing up at me and back down to the device.

"Three please." she nodded and tapped her perfectly done nails on the counter.

"That'll be 2 pounds please."

I slid my card as I extended my hand to grab the cold cup of coffee from her. She grabbed the receipt from the machine and handed it over to me wishing me a good day.

I sat down next to my mom as she held Jake in her arms. We had been waiting about....thirty minutes for our ride, which was provided by yours truly, One Direction. This all felt so unreal, I was hoping to have an amazing summer with beaches and cute boys. But now, it's all gonna be work work work.

I took another swing at my coffee, finishing it up. I stood up and decided to try out my Michael Jordan skills. I tossed the plastic cup from where I was standing to the trash can a few feet away. It sadly didn't make it into the trash...but it fell nearby a janitors feet. He looked up at me and gave me a scowl while I mumbled an apology loud enough for him to hear me.

Don't hate the playa', hate the game.

As I made my way back towards my mother she looked up at me with a smirk dislayed on her face. "I knew I should've enrolled you in Basketball, you're horrible." she teased.

I chuckled at the thought of me playing basketball, and apparently I wasn't the only who found it slightly embarrassing and funny, because soon enough; Jake started to join in on the laughter too. I smiled at him before stretching my arms out toward him to grab onto.

"I still remember what your face looked like when I first told you I was pregnant." my mom said while Jake drooled on my shoulder. I giggled, it tickled.

"I didn't want anyone taking my place as princess." I replied cooly.

She chuckled and was about to say something back when her phone rang. She answered quickly and passed Jake over to me while she got up ans spoke with whoever was on the line. I made goofy faces at Jake as he played with his rattle. Jake was going through that stage where he not only likes to be held 24/7, but also likes to put things in his mouth and drop them because he knows someone will pick it up.

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