Chapter [6]

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 Chapter Six: Guitar Lessons and Tea


 Blair Cullington

        "C'mon sleeping beauty, it's time to wake up now." All I could feel was the warm breath hitting against my skin, causing shivers. I mumbled something that sounded like "just a minute" under my breath, not really wanting to wake up. I was feeling quite comfortable, if I do say so myself.

        I felt feet, padding against the wooden floor, almost as if someone was pacing the room. I groaned, why couldn't I be left in peace and quiet? I just needed five more minutes. I found to grow a passion for this leather couch, I mean, I wasn't a big fan of leather but this couch gave me the best sleep I've had since I arrived.

        "Blair, please wake up. I'm really sorry for freaking you out earlier, but I'm starting to worry now."


        Oh right, the same guy that totally grabbed my junk in the bathroom. I guess it's better than having any other guy feel me up, ya know. I lazily opened one eye, keeping the other lid closed. "What do you want, I'm busy." I stated, as I stiffled a yawn.

        Niall's blue eyes instantly met mine. He had the kind of eyes you could get lost into, and you wouldn't even notice. "I came to apologize." he said briefly.

        I turned my head to the side a bit, trying to get a better view of him. "Why would you apologize? It wasn't that big of a deal, I just...over-reacted I guess."

        Niall shook his head, obviously not agreeing with me. "I should've payed more attention, and I'm sorry for my innapropriate behavior."

        I instantly sat up, seeing that I've been in the same room as before. "It's alright Niall...can we just not talk about it?" I asked, uneasly.

        He almost looked too curious as to why I was so sensible to the topic, but he did what I asked. We were no longer to speak of it, and I suppose he was fine with it.

        "Where's everyone else?" I asked when I realized I haven't heard any ruckus.

        He shrugged, "We finished what we needed to do so we all went our seperate ways. But don't worry hun, I'm not going anywhere." he shot me a suggestive wink.

        I pushed lightly on his chest, playfully. "Like that's any better." I replied, with sarcasm laced through my voice.

        Niall placed a hand right over his heart, feigning shock. "Cullington, your words are like knives to me."

        I rolled my eyes at him, and stood up. "What time is it?"

        He pulled out his phone, "a quarter till four in the afternoon." and that's when my stomach decided to put on a show, and make an apperance.

        Niall laughed at how loud my stomach was, "Gee, someone's hungry."

              I could feel a blush creeping up on my cheeks. My stomach just had to do that, at this precise moment, didn't it? I glanced at the floor, not wanting to look into Niall's eyes.

        "I ordered a pizza, and I'm boiling water for tea." he said, walking out of the room with me trailing behind.

        "Ah, yes, the very famous British tea." I mocked, in my horrible attempt at a British accent.

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