Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I sat in a stiff chair, rubbing my arm where Niko had previously held me in a death grip. After finding out that I wasn't a part of his "secret club" thing, he freaked out and took me into a secluded room, which was most likely sound-proof, as I couldn't hear the deep bass of the music from the club.

I shifted in my seat, trying to get comfortable as I looked around the room. In front of me was a cherry colored desk, with a comfy looking swivel chair behind it. A phone sat on the corner of the desk, and next to it was a bowl of gum. Stacks of paper occupied the center of the desk, and on the top of one was the words, 'CONTRACT' in bold letters.

Behind the desk was a large shelf, filled with books, drawers, and other miscellaneous objects. To the right of me was another door, probably a closet, and next to that was a cabinet.

Niko stood by the cabinet with his arms crossed in front of him, a stern look etched into his gorgeous face. He's been silent, just staring sat me since he shoved me into this chair, which was about 15 minutes ago. I shifted under his intense gaze, feeling vulnerable as he stared down at me.

He reminded me of an army general standing there; back straight, face tight, and stance unwavering. It made me wonder if he spent any time in the military, but he looked too young to have done so.

I tried to think of something to do to keep me occupied, but I couldn't do anything with Niko watching me like a guard dog. Eventually I looked at him, a bored look on my face.

"Hey, how much longer do I have to wait here?" I asked him.

Niko replied by staying in the same position, keeping his mouth shut.

Heaving a sigh, I rolled my eyes and stated, "You don't have to keep the tough guy act up. It's get tiresome."


"Look, I'm bored, and you obviously would rather be doing something else. So let's entertain ourselves." I placed my feet up on the desk, arms behind my head. He didn't seem to mind this, so I took it further by taking a piece of gum out of the bowl on the desk.

He merely raised an eyebrow before his face went back into its stoic position.

"You're going to get wrinkles if you keep your face like that." I pointed out. His face twitched in obvious annoyance, and I smirked. Chewing my gum, I blew a bubble and let it pop, continuing to stare at Niko.

"Are you just going to keep ignoring me, or are you eventually going to answer me?" He continued to stare at me, giving me my answer. I opened my mouth to continue bugging him, but I was cut off by the door opening and an older man stepping through.

The man had to be no taller than 5' 6", with bulging muscles and a five o'clock shadow. His hair was brown with gray seeping through to show his age, and had a tattoo of a snake twirled around his bicep. A cerulean blue pendant rested around his neck, shaped into a cobra head, the color the same shade as his eyes.

Despite his height, I could tell he was someone not to mess with. He held his head up high, his eyes calculating every move I made. He gave off an aura of importance, and intelligence, making me shift my eyes nervously.

And I thought Niko was tough.

I realized I still had my feet up on the desk, so I gently took them down and sat up in my chair. I gave the man a wary look, and he noticed, smiling.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." His voice was a deep tenor, a big shock considering his height.

Despite his words of encouragement, I couldn't help but get a weird feeling from him. His eyes were cold, as if he'd seen all the worlds horrors, and I shivered involuntarily.

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