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Alfred looks around the room, holding the hat in his hand. Francis walks up to him with a smile spreading across his face. 

"May I pick something?" Francis asks.

"Sure dude." Alfred extends his arm, allowing him to choose an item. Francis closes his eyes, reaching into the hat and pulling out something small and metal. He looks at it to see it's a lighter.

"Who's is this?" Alfred asks loudly, snatching the lighter and waving it around in the air.

"That would be mine lad," a voice spoke from behind. Alfred turns around to see Allistor standing there. He takes his lighter back and lights a cigarette. Francis grins and walks to the closet, grabbing Allistor's arm on the way, dragging him behind him.

"What are you doing?" Allistor asks with a glare.

"I pulled your lighter out of the hat," Francis answers.

"But I didn't put anythi.... Seamus!" Allistor switches his glare to his brother who was laughing over on the couch.

"Sorry Allistor! I just couldn't resist!" Semus yells out.

Let's just get this over with," Allistor stomps into the closet and Francis follows, closing the door.

"You should be more excited. You are very lucky I picked you. What if you got someone that doesn't know how to kiss? Hon Hon Hon!"

"I don't plan on kissing you...."

"Well that's no fun."

"You smell like wine," Allistor complains, taking a puff of his cigarette.

"Well you smell like smoke," Francis retorts. They glare at each other for a long moment. "You're really boring. I was hoping to have some fun in hear but I guess you just don't know how to."

"Hey! I can be fun you moron!" Allistor yells, putting his cigarette out on his shoe.

"Prove it."

Francis smirks, thinking Allistor won't do anything but to his surprise Allistor drops his cigarette bud on the ground and pushes Francis against the wall. He then presses his lips onto Francis'. At first Francis is shocked but he quickly relaxes and smirks into the kiss, licking at Allistor's lips. Allistor keeps his lips closed, to Francis' disappointment. Francis, taking that as a challenge, grabs Allistor by the hips and turns quickly, pushing Allistor against the wall now. Francis grins at Allistor, lust filling his eyes. Allistor gulps, thinking he shouldn't have done anything. Francis runs a hand up Allistor's shirt, unbuttoning it as he goes. Francis pulls off Allistor's shirt and his mischievous grin widens. He flicks Allistor's nipple with his tongue. He sucks and bites at Allistor's nipple while rubbing the other one. Allistor let's out a quiet moan. Francis takes this chance to quickly slip his tongue into Allistor's mouth. Allistor gives up at this point, letting Francis run his tongue around his mouth skillfully. Suddenly, Francis brings his knee up, pressing it against Allistor's crotch, not enough to hurt but enough to be pleasurable. Allistor lets out another moan. He grabs Francis' arms, flipping him onto the wall.

"Did I make someone excited?" Francis smirks.

"So what if you did?" Allistor glares.

"Good." Francis pushes Allistor, making him fall onto his back. Francis climbs on top of him. Francis takes off his shirt, throwing it over by where Allistor's was laying. Francis grabs the rim of Allistor's pants, yanking them down. Allistor's eyes go wide at the sight of his own erection.

"You seem to be even more excited than I thought," Francis teases, rubbing his thumb on the tip of Allistor's member.

"Fr-Francis..... Stop..stop teasing me..." Allistor stutters.

"Aww... You don't want this?" Francis asks, pouting.

"You didn't let me finish. Stop teasing me and get your God damn pants off too. Fuck me, you moron," Allistor orders.

Francis smirks and complies. He slips out of his pants and positions himself in front of Allistor's entrance. Allistor nods, telling Francis he really wants this. Francis pushes into him slowly. Allistor bites his lip, taking a deep breath as he adjusts to Francis being inside of him. Without waiting for him to fully adjust, Francis starts thrusting in and out of Allistor, picking up speed each time. Allistor holds in his moans, biting his lip. Francis notices and thrusts harder and faster, leaning down and kissing Allistor's neck. Allistor can't hold back anymore and turns into a moaning mess. Francis nibbles and licks Allistor's neck as he thrusts in and out of him, taking his member in his hand and starting to pump it.

"Fra-Francis.... I'm gon....gonna...."Allistor tries to warn. He cums all over his own chest and Francis' hand. At that exact moment the door flies open and Elizabeta snaps a picture before running off. Francis finishes Allistor, cumming into his ass before letting him up. Allistor blushes deeply as his brothers peer into the closet. Seamus and Dylan fall to the ground, laughing wildly. Authur tries desperately to hid his smile. Alfred stares at them as Francis starts to put his clothes back on.

"Next time," Allistor starts as he gets up, grabbing his clothes, "I top." He glares at Francis.

"Next time?" Allistor's brothers say in unison. Francis just smirks as he walks away from the group.

"Dudes, that's my closet. I use that closet...." Alfred says a little disgusted.

"Can I use your shower?" Allistor asks Alfred.

"Bro... That's gross..." Alfred response, pointing to Allistor's chest.

"That's why I need to take a shower, moron."

"Upstairs, third door on the left..."

Allistor leaves and Alfred shakes his head, grabbing his hat and glancing around the room.

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